Tuesday, June 30, 2015

From My Old Friend Kathy A,- New Words for Urban Dictionary

Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 4:51 AM
Subject: 24 Brilliant New Words You Should Start Usin

24 Brilliant New Words You Should Start Using (?)
When languages evolve, it's important that scholars and dictionaries keep up. The internet has spawned a new crop of words for stuff, and while you may not like all of them, some of them are really clever combos that seem like they might actually be useful!
Many of these words come from urbandictionary, which is basically a dictionary of modern slang. Their site is probably the most complete dictionary of modern slang, but it's also full chock-full of nonsense.
Most of these words are portmanteaus, which are what you get when you mash both the sounds and meanings of two words together to get a new one. Did you know, for example, that the word 'smog' is a portmanteau (smoke and fog)? 'Brunch' (breakfast and lunch) is another one that is becoming more and more popular, although it's been around for a while. And if you're eating your brunch with a spork, then that's a portmanteau double-whammy.
New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words 

New Words

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