Saturday, May 2, 2015

Gizmodo Australia

Tesla Powerwall: A Battery For Your Home 

Tesla has just made a very exciting announcement. It’s now using its clean energy nous not only to make some of the world’s best electric cars, but also to power your home.
Tesla Energy wants the world to be cleaner, and it’s doing so by letting homes, businesses and power companies store their electricity better and reduce peak load on the grid. Here’s the best part — we’ll get the battery in Australia too, at an incredibly cheap price. It’s called Powerwall.

Netflix Movie Night: 20 Popcorn-Munching Action Movies That Are So Bad They're Good 

We subscribe to Netflix to enjoy movies. Why not treat yourself to some of the best and most mindless fun on offer? Here are 20 of the most ridiculous, tacky, corny or just silly action movies that are no less fun despite their flaws. We have your weekend’s cinematic viewing sorted right here.

Microsoft Surface 3: Australian Review 

It used to be that the baby Surface was a compromise. It used to run crappy software, slower hardware and produce a less than spectacular experience. With the Surface 3, Microsoft has performed a radical about-face.

The Russian Spacecraft Falling To Earth Poses No Danger 

A Russian spacecraft is spinning uncontrollably around Earth after it broke down travelling to the International Space Station with food and fuel supplies. The vessel, Progress M-27M, will burn up when re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere in a week or two, although there is a small chance that parts of it could crash down on the planet. The risk to us humans is minute — we have survived far greater objects falling back towards Earth before.

Video: Inside The Fiery Inferno Of A Rocket Launch 

Here’s an awesome view of the fiery power that is a rocket. A GoPro camera is strapped inside this rocket test so that rocket scientists can get a view of what’s going on inside. It’s pretty amazing, the fire burns so hot that you can almost feel it through the screen.

New Images Reveal The Dark Inner Workings Of Sunspots 

A series of new images captured by researchers provide the first-ever detailed view of the dark central patches of sunspots — revealing with more detail than ever how they work.

Do You Text In The Shower? 

John McAfee — you know, the bizarre, eccentric millionaire behind famous antivirus software — says teenage girls are texting in the shower. And people are SPYING on them doing it. That just sounds ridiculous (no, not the spying thing, that’s actually possible). Who in their right mind would bring their phone with them into the shower?

There's No Reason To Ever Get Out Of A Millennium Falcon Bed 

Finding the motivation to crawl out of bed to face work, school, or even sunlight is hard enough. But imagine the herculean task of getting up in the morning when your bed is a near-perfect replica of the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit.

Scientists Are Brewing Medieval Potions To Fight Hospital Superbugs 

Last month, a microbiology lab in Nottingham, England made international headlines when it unearthed a substance that kills methicillin-resistant staph, one of the deadliest superbugs of modern times. The most astounding part about the find? It was a 1000-year-old Viking potion.

This Mean Predatory Cockroach Was Caught In Amber 100 Million Years Ago 

This might look unlike most cockroaches you’ve ever seen — but that’s because it was probably quite a lot more aggressive than any you’ve seen too. It had to be, because it likely survived by hunting (admittedly quite small) prey, some 100 million years ago.

Only Demolishing The Astrodome Will Unearth Its Lost Time Capsule 

Time capsule hunters looking for the elusive Astrodome time capsulein Houston think they have finally figured out where it is. Unfortunately, the location means they won’t be able to retrieve it until after the Astrodome is destroyed.

How This Beetle Shoots Jets Of Superheated Liquid Out Of Its Butt 

You do not want to piss off the bombardier beetle. When disturbed, it sprays noxious, near-boiling liquid out of its abdomen — an effective though confounding ability. After all, how does the beetle pull off such a violent chemical reaction without, well, damaging its insides?

Everything Is Better In The World Now That This Tortoise Can Move Again 

The 90-year-old tortoise Mrs T has been unable to walk since rats viciously chewed off her front legs while she was hibernating. Now, her devoted owners have given her a second chance at mobility by attaching wheels from a model aircraft set onto her shell.

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