Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WNYC- East Village Gas Explosion- Investigation Deepens


WNYC 93.9 FM



Gas Shut Off at Building Across From East Village Gas Explosion Site

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

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A gas main in the basement of 128 2nd Ave., which has been shut down because of improper work. It is across the street from the site of the East Village explosion.A gas main in the basement of 128 2nd Ave., which has been shut down because of improper work. It is across the street from the site of the East Village explosion. (Stephen Nessen/WNYC)
The city found unauthorized work being done on gas lines across the street from the scene of last week's fatal explosion and fire.
A tenant on the top floor of 128 Second Avenue smelled gas Sunday night. Con-Edison inspected the basement and found the gas line was "inappropriately accessed."
Workers promptly shut off the gas supply and locked off the pipe.
On Monday, inspectors with the Department of City Buildings issued a stop-work order, citing a lack of permits for repair work being done on gas pipes. The DOB wrote in a statement that " a licensed plumber will need to apply for and pull work permits for the job" in order for work to continue.
Mitch Kossoff, a lawyer representing building owner Icon Realty, said the owners were "puzzled" and not aware of any gas work being done.
Days before the East Village building explosion, several tenants at 128 Second Avenue filed a lawsuit against Icon Realty over alleged building violations.




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