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Irish News- Independent

Thursday 30 April 2015

Election candidate wants gay people jailed, adultery made illegal and rock bands outlawed

Adrian Rutherford 

PUBLISHED27/04/2015 | 19:46
Susan Anne WhiteOPEN GALLERY 1
Susan Anne White
An election candidate who wants rock music banned, gay people jailed and feminism abolished has rejected claims she is extreme.
Susan Anne White, who caused a stir when she stood in last year's council elections, is now aiming to become MP for West Tyrone.
The devout Christian says her campaign will focus on moral issues including society's "dangerous" homosexual agenda.
She also wants to outlaw rock music, saying it fuels sexual anarchy and drug use.
Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph, Mrs White, who is standing as an Independent, denied that her views were extreme.
"I don't consider myself extreme - not at all," she said. "It is society that has moved. Not so far in the past, most people would have shared my views.
"My views only seem extreme because society has moved away from God's principles."
Mrs White, who is from Trillick in Co Tyrone, is one of nine candidates standing in West Tyrone on May 7.
The outgoing Sinn Fein MP, Pat Doherty, has a comfortable 10,000-plus majority. Last May, Mrs White stood for the new Fermanagh and Omagh Council, receiving just 67 first preference votes.
Mrs White said she opposes feminism "with all her might", and says it is to blame for the recession.
"Feminism is responsible for many of the social ills we see all around us," she added.
"They [feminists] are responsible for the economy - they destroyed the whole concept of a family wage with the father as the bread-winner and the stay-at-home mother. They make women feel they have to be out in the workforce."
Mrs White is also "absolutely opposed to the homosexual agenda" in today's society. If I had the power, I would certainly re-criminalise homosexuality, along with adultery," she added.
She said anyone involved in homosexual or adulterous practices should be jailed.
"I would stop the funding of gay pride parades and other depraved art and cultural events," she added.
Despite her strong views, Mrs White claims she is a "true friend" to the gay community.
"I tell them the truth," she added. "The person who is not a friend, the person who is the enemy to the homosexual is the person who pats them on the back and says their lifestyle is perfectly normal and acceptable."
While campaigning last year, Mrs White spoke out about rock music, saying acts like Iron Maiden and Kurt Cobain promoted anarchy in society. She said she remained opposed to these and other "vulgar acts".
"A lot of rock music is dangerous for the hearing," she added.
"That is not the only problem with it. There is an ideology which permeates rock music and it is sexual anarchy. It is also linked to drugs." She said rock music had "a terrible effect" on young people.
Mrs White blames the EU for much of society's "decadence", saying she would withdraw from Europe "tomorrow".
She admits it will take a miracle to top the poll, adding: "I believe in a God who can work miracles but, realistically speaking, I don't think I will win.
"My concern is not so much with winning, it is with trying, and to try is not to fail. In standing I have a wider platform than I would if I did not stand, and many people will hear the Biblical message and principles."
Susan Anne White on:
Homosexuality: "If I had the power, I would certainly re-criminalise homosexuality, along with adultery"
Rock music: "There is an ideology which permeates rock music and it is sexual anarchy. It is also linked to drugs."
Feminists: "They are responsible for the economy - they destroyed the whole concept of a family wage with the father as the bread-winner and the stay-at-home mother."
Europe: "I would withdraw tomorrow."
Her views: "It just takes one person to articulate what others are thinking."
Belfast Telegraph
Gerry O’Boyle of The Land League (right)

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