Arletty by Laetitia Casta

In "Arletty, a passion guilty", which takes place during the occupation, Laetitia Casta embodies the star of "Children of Paradise". How to get into the skin of such a legend? The actress says.
Arletty by Laetitia Casta

Kubrick's TV Vatican

Dario Edoardo Viganò directs TV the pontiff. And claims "Shining" or "La Dolce Vita" as a source of inspiration. He revolutionized papal image.
Kubrick's TV Vatican

"I'm a woman and I chose boxing"

Women are more likely to invest the boxing rings. In 2011, they accounted for 18.5% of French licensees, against 7.5% in 1998. Emilie began six months ago.
"I'm a woman and I chose boxing"

French political version of "House of Cards"

Sex, money, betrayal ... The dirty tricks of the series reminiscent of our "couples problem": De Gaulle / Pompidou; Giscard / Chirac; Mitterrand / Rocard; Pen / Mégret; Sarkozy / Villepin ... Inventory.
"House of Cards" ... the French
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