Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Le Monde- NSA Shootout Investigation

Shooting at NSA: the victim "under the influence of illicit substances"?

Le Monde.fr avec AFP | 
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image: http://s2.lemde.fr/image/2015/04/01/534x267/4607077_3_94dc_une-voiture-de-police-bloque-l-acces-a-la_13dd9533bea8a62f769ba7d411306cda.jpg
Une voiture de police bloque l'accès à la brettelle de sortie menant au siège de la NSA, le 30 mars.
The FBI has identified Tuesday, March 31, the transvestite man killed yesterday after an apparent attempted intrusion by car in the hyper-secure NSA headquarters near Washington.
Ricky Shawatza Hall, 27, was killed in a shootout while he was with another man in a 4x4 that has not stopped despite police orders of the supervisory agency. The other occupant of the car, which was not identified, was injured and hospitalized, according to the FBI.
Both men were dressed as women, but they did not seek to "dress up" to mislead the authorities, said the federal police. Some media have speculated that the two men had mistaken the ramp leading to the entrance of the NSA, and had refused to stop when approaching in the checkpoint because of the presence of drugs in the vehicle.

"Under the influence of illicit substances"?

According to CNN , investigators are trying also to know whether the two men were "under the influence of illicit substances after a night of partying."
According to local police, the vehicle in which were the two men had been reported stolen by its owner in the morning. The latter, a man of 60 years, said he met the two men in the big city near Baltimore.
He went with them to a motel close to the NSA, in Elkridge, where he took a room with two passengers on Monday morning. An hour later, the two men left the room without his knowledge and stole his car before taking the direction of the NSA and trigger the fatal shooting, police said.
The headquarters of the NSA in Fort Meade, a large military site at about thirty kilometers north of Washington where close to 11,000 soldiers and 29,000 civilians.
image: http://s1.lemde.fr/medias/web/img/bg/vide.png
image: http://s1.lemde.fr/medias/web/img/bg/vide.png
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En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/ameriques/article/2015/04/01/fusillade-a-la-nsa-la-victime-sous-l-influence-de-substances-illicites_4607076_3222.html#tIkcMX2L0PkMJcQW.99

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