Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Corriere della Sera- Mayor of Ischia Arrested for Big Bucks Bribes

Bribes, arrested the mayor of Ischia 
"Stack of 330 thousand euro" 
Interceptions, check name D'Alema 

Giosi Ferrandino (Pd) charged with 9 other cooperatives Cpl. One of those arrested, intercepted, speaks of D'Alema: "We invest in the foundation Italianieuropei, he puts his hands in the m .... gave us things." Former prime minister: "No offense"

Giosi Ferrandino, sindaco Pd di Ischia, uno dei sei comuni dell’isolaGiosi Ferrandino, Pd mayor of Ischia, one of the six municipalities of the island
NAPLES - Mallets coop and politics, a deadly mix island green. The mayor of Ischia, Giuseppe "Giosi" Ferrandino (Pd) and nine other people including leaders of the giant cooperative Cpl Concordia were arrested this morning, Monday, by the policemen of the Environment Protection Command as part of an investigation by the Prosecutor of Naples on bribes paid for the gasification of the municipalities of the island bell. It learns the Ansa from intelligence sources.
The alleged offenses
The alleged offenses, for various reasons, ranging criminal association against corruption (including international), by obstructing the enchantments to recycling, the issuing of invoices for operations coordinated by prosecutors inesistenti.L'inchiesta Woodcock, Carrano and Loreto conducted by special units of the Command of the Environment of Colonel Sergio De Caprio, the "Captain Last" was the starting in April 2013 and brought to light, according to the indictment, a system of corruption based on the constitution of funds blacks in Tunisia by Cpl Concordia which pay public officers to obtain the "favors" in awarding contracts.
shadow carousel
 Giosi Ferrandino, Pd mayor of Ischia
The signing of two fictitious conventions in the hotel of the family, for a total of 330 thousand euro; hiring a consultant's brother and at least one trip in Tunisia: this would have been, according to the indictment, the price paid by Cpl for corruption of the mayor. According to the indictment Ferrandino 'had become a sort of factotum in the pay of the coop. "
"Cpl bought 2,000 bottles of wine produced by D'Alema '
And in one of the acts wiretapping investigation Francesco Simone, director of CPL arrested, speaks of Massimo D'Alema (not investigated) stressing the need to "invest in Italianieuropei where D'Alema is about to become European Commissioner" as ". ..D'Alema puts his hands in the shit as it did with us gave us things. " The investigation also shows that the Cpl Concordia bought "several hundred copies of the latest book" D'Alema, "as well as several thousand bottles of wine produced by a farm due to the same D'Alema." It emphasizes the investigating judge, in the order of remand, defining this affair 'significant'. The Cpl, emerges from the records of the investigation, has also sponsored the presentation of the book "Not only €" the former leader of the Democratic Party in Ischia, 11 May 2014, with the involvement of the mayor Giosi Ferrandino, today arrested. Francesco Simone, talking on the phone with the mayor, the Democratic Party candidate in the European elections underlines the importance of the event: "... under the campaign will do a thing ..." and then "..this is also a strong signal that supports you all the party .... " "Ferrandino - writes the investigating judge - it shows very excited." The previous day, always in Ischia, "the wife of D'Alema presented its production of wine." Of this wine, the Cpl has purchased 2,000 bottles. It is the same Simon to admit it. "I confirm - says investigators - that Cpl bought 2,000 bottles of wine produced by the wife of D'Alema, however, I can represent you that was Massimo D'Alema in person, during a chance meeting between me, him, his driver and the president (of Cpl - ed) Casari, to propose the purchase of its wines. " The investigating judge - referring to an interception in which Simone, speaking with such Italianieuropei Virginia Foundation, said that the purchase of books by the cooperative is "an exception" - notes: "considering the price paid by Cpl Concordia for each of the 2,000 bottles of wine purchased (not treated definitely a product to be administered in a canteen), this is clearly another of the exceptions was referring to the same Simone in speaking of the purchase of books. " On 20 November 2014, in a search of the Cpl Concordia, investigators have seized three devices of transfers made by the cooperative for the Foundation Italianieuropei, each in the amount of 20 thousand euro; as well as an additional bank for the amount of € 4,800 for the purchase of 500 books not only euro D'Alema.
D’Alema ad un convegno della coop Cpl (ph. gsanews.it)
D'Alema at a conference of the coop Cpl (ph. Gsanews.it)
The replica of D'Alema: transparent relationships, no offense
Massimo D'Alema, for its part, immediately replied: "Certainly I have relationships with Cpl Concordia" but "is a relationship completely transparent, which did not involve either the demand from them or the implementation of wrongdoing on my part of any kind. I had no gift and no personal benefit. "
"Agreements with the Camorra"
Not only the leaders of Cpl Concordia - according to investigators - they would "systematic use of an organizational model inspired by the corruption that led them to agree not only with the mayors, local administrators and public officials, but also with members of the crime casertana organized and legal administrators to such criminal circles. "
Ferrandino, fer, president of ANCI Campania
Giosi Ferrandino is also ANC president Campania, the association of Italian municipalities, since last February . He also tried to enter the European Parliament: it turned out, however, the first non-elected after a heads-up to the last vote last May with the Caserta Nicola Caputo. Ferrandino, approached from time to Renzi, was ready to take over in case of abandonment of office European Andrea Cozzolino, a candidate in the Democratic Party primary for Regional bells.
In prison, on the orders of the investigating judge Amelia Spring, ended over to the mayor of Ischia's brother these, Massimo Ferrandino, the Institutional Relations Group Cpl Concordia Francesco Simone, former President Roberto Casari (retired January 30 Last, but allegedly still "director" of the business of the cooperative), the sales manager of the Tyrrhenian Verrini Nicholas, the head of the North Africa Bruno Santorelli, chairman of the board of directors of Cpl distribution Maurizio Rinaldi and the entrepreneur Caserta Massimiliano D'Errico.House arrest, however, the technical director of the Office of the City of Ischia Silvano Arcamone, while Massimo Continati and Giorgio Montali, respectively managing director and consultant outside of Cpl was ordered the precautionary measure of the obligation of residence in the municipality of residence .
Legacoop: "The responsibilities are personal '
The position of Legacoop, after the arrests to Cpl, "is the same as always: we respect the choices of the judiciary, we hope that these investigations are completed as soon as possible." To say it is the president Mauro Lusetti. "The responsibility, if it ever were to be established, are personal. Us, if you will, as always, we will put us on the side of law and does not protect anyone. " "The thing that worries us in a particular way are the 1800 members of Cpl Concordia," he pointed Lusetti.
Di Maio: "The Democratic Party arrested the day»
"The Democratic Party does not want to make an anti-corruption law because if today arrested him one day tomorrow would stop him one per minute." These are the words the vice president of the Chamber and member of the Executive M5S, Luigi Di Maio, as opening words of a post entitled "The Democratic Party arrested the day: the mayor of Ischia, Ferrandino 'also raised the profile of Twitter Beppe Grillo.
The Pd Naples: "We want the mayor to clarify all»
"We learned of the investigation that involves the mayor of Ischia, Giosi Ferrandino, a member of our party - reads a note from the Pd metropolitan Naples - Reiterating full confidence in the judiciary, we hope that Ferrandino can clarify its position and demonstrate the strangeness to charges he is accused of. "


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DoctorMR30 marzo 2015 | 15:43
Guardi che tutti i seguaci della vecchia guardia sono attuali seguaci della nuova guardia: il nuovo padrone si mischia all'antico.....
belmonte30 marzo 2015 | 15:32
Stavolta mi sento di condividere il suo ragionamento. Non fa una grinza. Forse aveva ragione quel mio professore di storia quando affermava che nessuno è superiore al senso morale del proprio tempo. Sì, è vero, siamo messi male e dire che è colpa della politica è una grande fesseria.

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