Saturday, February 28, 2015

Who Was Boris Nemtsov?- France Soir


Published: Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 3:14 p.m.
Last Updated: Saturday, February 28, 2015 - 4:13 p.m.

Who was Boris Nemtsov, the opponent of Vladimir Putin assassinated in Moscow?

Boris Nemtsov, 55, was shot in the night of Friday 26 to Saturday, February 27 in central Moscow, a few meters from the Kremlin away. Back on the course of the main opposition to Vladimir Putin.
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Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Putin's main opponent, was murdered. © Mikhail Voskresensky / Reuters
He was the principal opponent of Vladimir Putin since the coming to power of the latter there are fifteen. Boris Nemtsov, 55, was shot dead in the night from Friday 26 to Saturday, February 27 in the center of Moscow, a few meters from the Kremlin away.This fervent opponent of the war in Ukraine, former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Yeltsin, was the symbol of the generation of young reformers of the post-Soviet Russia.
A physicist by training, Boris Nemtsov, born in 1959 in Sochi , Russia, is entered politics shortly before the collapse of the USSR. In 1990, he was elected to the Supreme Soviet, the Soviet Parliament, and his career took off. After being governor of the region of Nizhny Novogrod, 400 km from Moscow, he made a name under the presidency of Boris Yeltsin. In March 1997, he became Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the energy sector and monopolies, which earned him regularly denounced by the Kremlin as a politician linked to the oligarchs. After considering a time to make his heir, Boris Yeltsin eventually prefer the head of the FSB (former KGB), Vladimir Putin. Returned in August 1998, Boris Nemtsov rocking in opposition when his rival became president. The legislative elections of 1999, he was elected to the State Duma (lower house of Parliament) and joined the Liberal party SPS.
A year later, he published an article in the New York Times : "Some critics question Putin's commitment to democracy True, it's not a liberal Democrat, at home or internationallement Sub.. his leadership, Russia will not become France. The government, however, reflect the people's will to have a strong state economy in working order and the end of the tolerance for rogue oligarchs, in short, an attitude of net firmness. Russia could do a lot worse than a leader with a non-removable commitment to the national interest. And it is hard to see how to do better, "he wrote.
His opposition to Putin is even more momentum after the 2007 parliamentary elections, calling it the "most corrupt in the history of Russia." In 2008, after failing to run for president as a single opposition candidate, Nemtsov founded his own party, Solidarnost with the opponent and former chess champion Gary Kasparov. It is also close to the blogger Alexei Navalny , another famous opponent of Vladimir Putin.
During the winter of 2011-2012, when Putin is ready to be ELIR to the Russian presidency for the third time, Nemtsov became head of large demonstrations in Moscow, where he openly criticizes the "oligarchy" effect. He writes a report which lists the "external elements of wealth" of Vladimir Putin, denouncing a lifestyle that can be compared "to that of a Persian prince". The report mentions   the existence of 20 residences, 15 helicopters, four yachts and 43 aircraft. Two years later, Nemtsov is also the first to denounce the corruption that plagues the organization of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi.
Then, when the conflict broke out in Ukraine, he accuses Moscow to send troops to support pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country, the Kremlin has always denied.In early February 2015, he says in an interview to a Russian weekly, his fear of being assassinated.
Three hours before it actually happens to him, Boris Nemtsov was speaking on Friday 27 to the antenna of the Echo Moscow radio listeners to call Sunday, March 1 to protest in the streets of the Russian capital to protest against the Russian economic crisis and the conflict in Ukraine, both being according to him. "The cause of the crisis is aggression (Ukraine), which was followed by sanctions, and capital flight, all because of the senseless aggression waged against Ukraine Putin" he declared in particular.
Saturday, after the discovery of the bullet-riddled body of Boris Nemtsov, Leonid Volkov, one of the leaders of the event, announced the cancellation of the latter. It will eventually be replaced by a march in memory of the opponent murdered. Tens of thousands of people are expected to pay their respects.
Author: Writing

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