Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Racked- If you STILL are going to the gym

18 Healthy New Year's Resolutions From Gym Owners & Trainers

Welcome to Workout Wednesday: every hump-day, we'll be rounding up some of the city's hottest fitness trends and studios.
Photo: Mile High Run Club
You have mere hours left to make your New Year's resolutions—what are they going to be? If you need some inspiration, borrow those of New York City's boutique fitness studio owners and trainers. We asked the faces behind Flow CycleTone HouseCity RowUplift Studios and more to tell us about the healthy changes they're resolving to make in 2015—check out their answers below.
Joey Gonzalez, trainer and partner at Barry's Bootcamp
"This year, I'm aiming to finally practice what I preach and get seven to eight hours of sleep as often as possible."
Bethany Lyons, co-founder of Lyons Den Power Yoga
"As a yoga teacher, I am always looking for ways to expand my own practice. In 2015 I will master full extension of Scorpion Pose. I am also committing to a daily (not sporadic) meditation."
Sadie Kurzban, founder and CEO of ((305)) Fitness
"My resolution is to get new running shoes more frequently. With my crazy activity and dancing, my sneakers are worn out within one or two months. Not good for the joints to have worn sneakers!"
Aisha and Petr Prielozny, owners of FlowCycle
"Our resolution for 2015 is to find a fine balance between our training and our family. And become friends with our diets!"
Dyan Tsiumis, head instructor at SWERVE 
"My 2015 goal is to participate to win in a bikini fitness competition. This will up my fitness and nutritional game to a point I've never taken it to before. I'm excited and terrified all at the same time, which means it's a perfect goal for me."
Alonzo Wilson, founder and master instructor at Tone House
"My New Year's resolution is to eat clean in 2015—specifically, cutting out concentrated beverages. If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!"
Michael Chira, co-founder at Concrete Fitness
"For 2015 I want to eat more organic foods, lift heavier weights and motivate more people to live a healthier and fit life!"
Debora Warner, Owner, Mile High Run Club
"I'm going to embrace my 'bad' habits with moderation; keep my weekly mileage up to a minimum of 25 miles per week; beat my PR in the half marathon; run a fall marathon; cook a meal at home once a week; and add swimming back into my program."
Annie Mulgrew, director of programming at CityRow
"I'm recommitting to my daily practice of asana (physical), pranayama (breath), and meditation. Even ten minutes a day can make a huge difference and alter my day for the better! It's like hitting the refresh button for my mind, body, and spirit."
Leanne Shear, Co-Founder & President, Uplift Studios
"When I train for a marathon (LA, 2015!) I'm going to go gluten-free for about the two to three month training window...I've done some research with top elite endurance athletes who all swear by avoiding pasta, bread and wheat-oriented carbs and sticking with sweet potatoes, brown rice, etc.! They're the most sustainable slow-burn energy source I've discovered!"
Bethany Meyers, head of continued education at SLT
"Drink one gallon of water a day. I've actually started this resolution early but haven't been entirely successful, at least not on a daily basis. So in 2015, expect me to ultra-hydrate. And if you're wondering why, Google my resolution—the before and after photos don't lie."
Jess Gronholm, co-founder and yoga director of Dirty Yoga Co.
"Like a lot of people, I have a bad habit of starting the work day by checking email, which means I'm dealing with other people's goals and agendas before my own. It easily eats up at least half an hour, and doesn't bring me any closer to what I want to achieve for the day. So I'm going start my work days with half an hour of yoga instead."
Jackie Dragone, Director of FLEXBarre at FLEX Studios
"This year, my resolution is to commit to adding three 45-minute cardio sessions a week to my usual regimen. Taking classes and teaching/demonstrating keeps me in such good shape, but sometimes I slack on the more traditional cardio. Coming from a family prone to heart disease, it is important for me to refocus on conditioning my heart muscle, too!"
Alycea Ungaro, owner of Real Pilates
"My resolution is to eat out less and cook at home more. Even though NYC is full of healthy options, the best way to eat is from your own kitchen. I'm looking forward to planning my dinners to include leftovers for my next day lunch."
Napoleon Gladney, Instructor, ((305)) Fitness
"Dedicate more of my time to myself. I spend so much of my schedule and daily routine running around, being social, and working—I need to make time to reflect, relax, rest and re-focus. I'm going to put this into practice by blocking out three to four solid blocks of time a week that I have nothing scheduled just for me to be silent, quiet, and mindful of my body, mind, and spirit. "
Lanae Rhodes, Instructor, SLT
"Simple: bread! I love everything from fluffy white to hearty grains, and I'd eat carbs all day every day if I didn't know better. My resolution is to cut back on my intake and aim for the healthier kind when I do eat them" 
Andy Harris, instructor at SWERVE
"I'm committed to helping any of my riders increase their best SWERVE score by 50 points. I'm a stickler for form and I'm convinced that with a little extra emphasis on proper riding technique, anybody can quickly see sizable and tangible results!" 
Jared Stein instructor at CityRow
"This year, I am determined to obtain a walking handstand. As silly as it sounds, the walking handstand is a culmination of core strength, balance, body awareness, and muscle endurance. With that goal in my sight, I know this means being a bit leaner (tightening up my diet), being more flexible (a more diligent yoga practice), and continuing to strengthen my core (more CityRow!). 
"We all look for self improvement, but acknowledging the steps and respecting the process is a significant part of the journey. With some hard work and excuses kicked to the wind we can all accomplish our New Years goals."

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