Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Monday, December 29, 2014

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton PresideOver Graduation for 884 New Police Officers

Recruits Were Born in 51 Countries and Speak 59 Foreign Languages

New NYPD police officers salute fallen Detectives Ramos and Liu during the graduation ceremony.
Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton presided over a graduation ceremony on December 29th for 884 new NYPD police officers at Madison Square Garden, in Manhattan. The class completed six months of intensive Police Academy training and all members will be paired with experienced members who will serve as Field Training Officers and be deployed to Precincts, Police Service Areas, and Transit Districts in all five boroughs. The first major citywide deployment for this class will be the New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square. 
“This is a proud day for our city, for our new officers and for their families,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “These men and women have chosen an extraordinary path, and are now part of the finest police force in the world. And just as they are charged with protecting this city, we will protect them. They will have the best leadership, the best training and the best equipment. And with that support, we know they will write the next great success stories of the NYPD.”
“Graduation day, there’s no day quite like it, and so to you who graduate today, I congratulate you on your accomplishment,” said Police Commissioner Bratton. “I congratulate your families for their support of your desire to serve and to protect. I congratulate you on what it took to get here today. … I want to talk to you cop to cop. I have the civilian title of Police Commissioner, and I’m proud for the second time to lead this great organization. In my heart and in my soul, I will always be a cop. There are those that would seek to use that term [cop] in a derogatory fashion, but I always use it with pride. It denotes something more than being a police officer. It denotes the person that puts on the badge, puts on the blue uniform and goes into the streets to put their life at risk. So, it is a name of distinction; a name of honor. For 44 years I’m privileged to call myself a cop. Congratulations.”

This graduating class has received enriched diversity training designed to enhance the relationship between the Department and the communities they will serve. The new graduates will be assigned to precincts, police services areas, and transit districts throughout the five boroughs.  There, they will be instructed and guided by Field Training Officers (FTO), seasoned police officers who will help them during their first months on each tour they work.  In addition to the FTO's, the new police officers will also receive guidance from more than 300 Community Partners.  These community members are leaders in the areas the officers will be working, who will share their insight on important topics relevant to the neighborhoods the new officers are being tasked with keeping safe, while also working collaboratively with those they are protecting. To address the increase in drug overdose deaths, graduates received training in the use of Naloxone, a lifesaving drug to reverse opioid overdoses. They also received training to enhance their knowledge and skill in radio communications, as well as Port Awareness and Response training from the Counterterrorism Bureau. Recruits attended Leadership training workshops in decision making and the exercise of discretion, as well as training in courtroom testimony. 

Watch Police Commissioner Bratton's address [here].

Over 58% of the graduating class resides in New York City; the graduating class speaks 59 languages aside of English including Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi, Italian, Mandarin, and Punjabi;  10% have served in the United States Military; and 18% of the graduating class were born in a foreign country.  

Award Winners
• Mayor’s AwardValedictorian, Probationary Police Officer James A. Fuchsreceived the Highest Overall Average in his class.

• Police Commissioner’s AwardSalutatorian, Probationary Police Officer Mohammad S. Islam received the Second Highest Overall Average.

• First Deputy Commissioner’s Award: Probationary Police Officer John Vlaovichreceived the Highest Academic Average.

• Chief of Department Award: Probationary Police Officers Gina E. Buscemi (highest female physical fitness score) and Christopher R. Johnson (highest male physical fitness score) received this award for Physical Fitness Competition

• Deputy Commissioner of Training Award: Probationary Police Officer David Ciangiulli received the Highest Firearms Proficiency Average.

• New York City Police Foundation Award: Probationary Police Officer Julia A. Goldberg received this award for Exceptional Community Service.

      • Commanding Officer, Police Academy Award: Probationary Police Officers Ryan M. Jones and William P. Sutton received this award for Exceptional Police Duty

• Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association Award: Probationary Police Officer Alexandra A. Isabelle received this award for Outstanding Company Sergeant.

Graduating Class Countries of Origin
Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Congo (A-Kinshasa)
Dominican Republic
El Salvador


Poland Romania
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom
United States

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