Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ireland- NY Times


Peter Muhly/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
News about Ireland, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Nov. 9, 2014
    Though Ireland has been under international pressure to close loopholes that have drawn companies like Google and Microsoft, the country is still touting its low-tax appeal. MORE
  2. Nov. 7, 2014
    Newly released documents suggest that Ireland was pressured into controversial 67.5 billion euro bailout that left taxpayers rescuing crippled banks; documents also illustrate European Central Bank's role in determining scope of aid program; disclosure reignites fierce debate about the package. MORE
  3. Oct. 20, 2014
    Editorial observes Ireland is set to repeal 'double Irish' provision that has allowed multinational companies to operate there while avoiding billions in taxes to any government; holds move is not a case of true reform because country will create new provision allowing many such companies to pay taxes at a discounted rate; contends international cooperation on tax policy could help avoid such race-to-the bottom scenarios in which nations attempt to lure business with tax loopholes. MORE
  4. Oct. 15, 2014
    Ireland responds to criticism of its business-friendly tax arrangements by closing loophole used by multinational giants like Google; European Union and Obama administration have been increasingly vocal about tax-avoidance strategies of multinational firms and countries that enable them. MORE
  5. Oct. 4, 2014
    Joe Nocera Op-Ed column points to similarities between Nevada's efforts to lure Tesla motors and Ireland's effort to draw Apple with low corporate tax rates; notes European Union investigation found that Ireland's deal with Apple essentially amounts to 'state aid' and is therefore illegal; holds main difference between American states' and European countries' efforts to bring in corporate business is that European Union has rules intended to prevent abuses. MORE

General Information on Ireland

Official Name: Ireland
Capital: Dublin (Current local time)
Government Type: Republic, parliamentary democracy
Population: 4.11 million
Area: 27,136 square miles; slightly larger than West Virginia
Languages: English (official), Irish (Gaelic or Gaeilge) (official) spoken mainly in areas located along the western seaboard
Year of Independence: 1921
Web site:


A Chilling New Music Video From an Up-and-Coming Electronic Artist

The unsettling visual for the Irish artist Talos’s song “Bloom” was directed by Brendan Canty and Conal Thomson of Feel Good Lost, who also helmed Hozier’s “Take Me to Church” video.
November 18, 2014, Tuesday
MORE ON IRELAND: Canty, Brendan , Cork (Ireland) , Music

Europe Takes Aim at Deals Created to Escape Taxes

As global authorities ramp up efforts to close tax loopholes, companies are lobbying against proposed reforms.
November 15, 2014, Saturday

Ireland Sets Water Fees, Angering Thousands

Protesters say free water is a human right, but economists say use charges promote efficiency.
November 13, 2014, Thursday

Ireland Savors Rugby Win Over Powerful Springboks

In a busy weekend with Southern Hemisphere teams touring Europe, England and Wales lost to New Zealand and Australia, but Ireland beat South Africa.
November 10, 2014, Monday
MORE ON IRELAND: Rugby , Ireland , South Africa , England , New Zealand , Wales

Ireland Vies to Remain Silicon Valley's Low-Tax Home Away From Home

Though Ireland has been under international pressure to close loopholes that have drawn companies like Google and Microsoft, the country is still touting its low-tax appeal.
November 9, 2014, Sunday

E.C.B. Threatened to End Funding Unless Ireland Took Bailout, Letters Show

Letters released by the European Central Bank show how Ireland’s government was left with little alternative but to apply for the bailout.
November 7, 2014, Friday

Irish Agog That Joe Kernen, CNBC Host, Missed Their Exit From U.K.

Irish viewers were puzzled to learn this week that a host of CNBC’s “Squawk Box” seemed unaware that they were not part of Britain.
November 5, 2014, Wednesday

'Georgian Villa' in the North of Ireland

Modern home was designed to resemble a more traditional architecture.
October 31, 2014, Friday

Northern Ireland Orders Inquiry Into Handling of Rape Allegations

The investigation will look at prosecutors’ handling of allegations by a woman that she was raped by a senior I.R.A. member, then interrogated in “kangaroo courts.”
October 22, 2014, Wednesday

U.S. Tax Crackdown Is Said to Sink AbbVie Deal

The Obama administration may have killed the biggest corporate takeover of the year.
October 15, 2014, Wednesday


The Abortion Ship
Rebecca Gomperts is a Dutch doctor who pushes the limits of abortion law. In this excerpt from Diana Whitten’s documentary “Vessel,” Gomperts creates a mobile clinic aboard a ship.
European Union Investigates Tax Rulings
The European Union’s competition commissioner, JoaquĆ­n Almunia, announced the opening of three in-depth investigations into tax breaks affecting Apple, Starbucks and Fiat Finance and Trade.
Order for Microsoft to Disclose Data Stored Outside of U.S.
Microsoft is challenging the authority of federal prosecutors to force it to hand over a customer’s e-mail stored in one of its overseas data centers.
'Danny Boy'
A song by an Okinawan duo, Isamu Shimoji and Yukito Ara, sung to the traditional Irish tune.
Obama Welcomes Prime Minister of Ireland
The president met with Prime Minister Enda Kenny to kick off the St. Patrick’s Day holiday.
Tracking the Euro Zone’s Crisis
The latest economic and policy developments from countries in the euro zone.
For Seamus
This short film celebrates the life and work of Seamus Heaney, the most famous contemporary poet in Ireland.
Times Minute | White House Changes
Also on the Minute, a European success story and Scott Brown toys with a New Hampshire run.
Off the Charts: Ireland May Have Hit Bottom
Home prices rose in Ireland over the most recent 12 months, the first such gain since early 2008. Consumer expectations have climbed to the highest level since 2007. And even home-building activity may have hit bottom and started to recover.
Pictures From the Week in Business
Jon S. Corzine faces a federal suit over the collapse of MF Global, Ireland slipped back into recession and problems with counterfeit food and liquor have grown.

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