Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Stuff Works

Today's Mind-blower
How edX Works
In 2012, MIT and Harvard joined forces to create edX, a nonprofit offering free online college classes from some of the world's top universities. How does it make money?
    • What will Earth look like in 500 years?
      science What will Earth look like in 500 years?
      "The 26th century" doesn't roll off the tongue as easily as "the 21st century" does. But that hasn't stopped us from imagining what our hometown planet will be like in a few hundred years. Any guesses?
    • Top 10 Things You Should Not Share on Social Networks
      computer Top 10 Things You Should Not Share on Social Networks
      If your Facebook status update reads, "Leaving for France!" you're not just gloating about your trip. You're letting everyone know that your house will be empty for about 10 days. Bad idea.
    • 10 Absolutely Worst Foods to Eat
      science 10 Absolutely Worst Foods to Eat
      We all eat things we probably shouldn't, and that's OK from time to time. But there are some foods that are such nutrition bombs that even occasional indulgence isn't exactly wise.
    • 10 Monsters That Deserve Movies
      entertainment 10 Monsters That Deserve Movies
      How many times have you seen Godzilla do his Godzilla thing? So, Hollywood, allow us to play matchmaker. Speed date with us as we get to know 10 of the hottest big-screen virgins ever to claw their way out of our nightmares.
    • 10 Hardest Habits to Break
      health 10 Hardest Habits to Break
      "I'm addicted to you baby. You're a hard habit to break." So wailed the lead singer of the group Chicago. But there are harder habits to break out there – like nail biting and procrastinating. Do you do any of the things on our list?
    • Exactly what is a zero-day vulnerability?
      computer Exactly what is a zero-day vulnerability?
      Viruses. Malware. Spyware. Add to the seemingly ever-growing list of things we have to worry about when dealing with computers one more factor: zero-day vulnerability. So just what the heck is it, and how does it put us at risk?
    • How Twitch Works
      electronics How Twitch Works
      Video games have been popular for years, and now Twitch lets players and oglers share their love of gaming in real time. Think you're ready to broadcast your gaming skills (or lack thereof)?
    • What are the white dots on my nails?
      health What are the white dots on my nails?
      You notice a white dot on your fingernail. You try to scrub it off and realize the little white dots are not paint; they're actually part of your nail. What could they be?
    • Does flat beer lose its alcohol content?
      science Does flat beer lose its alcohol content?
      The age of a beer can dramatically influence its flavor -- and usually not for the better. But what about its alcohol content? Does a decade-old barley pop still pack the same wallop as one bottled the week before?
    • 10 Amazing Things People's Brains Have Done
      science 10 Amazing Things People's Brains Have Done
      The human brain can do some amazing things -- and humans can do amazing things because of it. Here are 10 of the most wondrous and unusual feats ever performed by a person's brain.
    • 10 Ways Sitting Wrecks Your Body
      health 10 Ways Sitting Wrecks Your Body
      You spend long hours sitting at your desk and on the couch, but what is all that time on your caboose really doing to you? As it turns out, a lot of bad.
    • Quiz: Are you smarter than Barack Obama?
      history Quiz: Are you smarter than Barack Obama?
      The 44th U.S. president graduated from Harvard Law School and won the Nobel Peace Prize, but there's a chance you might know something he doesn't. A slight one. Take this quiz to find out.
    • BrainStuff: How Do We Know What Dinosaurs Looked Like?
      shows BrainStuff: How Do We Know What Dinosaurs Looked Like?
      Can we really reconstruct a dinosaur’s appearance from a bunch of million-year-old fossils? How?
    • 10 Expensive Restorations
      science 10 Expensive Restorations
      Over the centuries, some of the most breathtaking buildings on Earth have been restored many times. Whether they were to make necessary repairs, update designs or adjust to changing needs, all these projects required big bucks.
    • 10 Everyday Things You're Probably Doing the Hard Way
      home 10 Everyday Things You're Probably Doing the Hard Way
      Despite our desire for ease, studies show that we may be able to make ourselves smarter by doing things the hard way. But why make life trickier than it needs to be?
    • 10 Things You Should Never Mix With Alcohol
      science 10 Things You Should Never Mix With Alcohol
      Juice and soda mix well with alcohol, but a few things don't mix so well. Some may just produce embarrassing moments. Others could cost you your life.
    • How could a laser pointer take down a plane?
      electronics How could a laser pointer take down a plane?
      In the United States, it's a felony to knowingly aim a laser pointer at an aircraft. And for good reason: Those little red dots have landed pilots in the hospital.
    • How Google Glass Works
      electronics How Google Glass Works
      Have you ever imagined yourself walking around your town like a sci-fi hero, with a heads-up display showing you details of the world around you? Google Glass aims to make that possible for all of us.
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You Complete Me: The Rom-com Quiz
You Complete Me: The Rom-com Quiz
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What is Rom-Com short for?
poll: what do you think?
Which of these film genres do you like best?

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