Thursday, November 20, 2014


Recent Posts

Climate & Energy

No surprise, October was the hottest one ever

We're starting to sound like a broken heat record.

Republicans were wrong about China’s climate commitment

The world's top emitter is pledging to cap coal use starting in 2020.

Your city’s water would be cleaner if it had a magic island in it

Floating wetlands feed on nitrogen pollution in streams and ponds, stifling gross algal blooms and bringing some wildness back into cities.
Climate & Energy

Farming in the face of climate change? Monsanto has an app for that

The GMO giant wants to help you beat climate change … with your phone.

Here’s why Hawaii’s anti-GMO laws matter

If Hawaii opts to stop biotechnology, that would be a serious blow to the industry.

This bike helmet makes Google Glass look sexy

The Smart Hat might save your noggin, but it'll destroy your sex life.

One man wants us all to sh*t equally. So he started World Toilet Day

You've gotta fight. For your right. To pooooootty.

Robots have done unspeakable things to your steak

And unless the FDA acts by year's end, labeling rules won't come to the tenderized meat market until 2018 at the earliest.

Why we’re excited about PBS’ wild new series

The new PBS doc "Earth: A New Wild" explores how humans interact with ecosystems worldwide.
Climate & Energy

Within 2 years, a quarter of the world’s carbon emissions are likely to be priced

Carbon is getting priced, and this map shows you where.

Comedy phenom Megan Amram wants to teach women science — with hot sex tips!

The "Parks & Recreation" writer's new book is a smart (and hilarious) take on the dumb idea that women can't understand science.
Climate & Energy

These photos of China’s toxic smog are terrifying

A Beijing man uploaded one photo every day. The results are terrifying.
New Lowe's

TreeHouse is like Home Depot with a green conscience

This one-stop green-renovation shop is really improving home improvement. Sorry Lowe's.
Climate & Energy

Frackers are terrorizing school kids in California

No surprise: Young people of color are hit hardest.
No tricornered hats here

The environmental movement is not the Tea Party of the left

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank asserts that enviros are dead set on ousting moderate Democrats. He's wrong.
Climate & Energy

Lame-duck Democratic senators stop the Keystone bill. Will Obama follow their lead?

A Senate bill to force approval of the pipeline failed on Tuesday, coming up one vote short of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster threat.

The Daily Show skewers Detroit over water shut-offs

The show's Jessica Williams cracks wise about ball washers as the city's water department continues shutting off accounts.

Neil deGrasse Tyson just told a tiny girl to be a scientist, and now I’m weeping

Would you like to get some life advice from Neil deGrasse Tyson in a public forum? Well, first you have to be 6 years old.
Head in the Clouds

Watch a year’s worth of CO2 swirl around the globe like a horrifying lava lamp

This is as beautiful to watch as it is worrisome.
Grand Oil Party

Here’s why the GOP just loves fossil fuels

The Republican energy agenda goes far beyond Keystone.

Meet the women who grow your food

Through the Female Farmer Project, photographer Audra Mulkern is documenting the rise of women in American ag.
PR flail

Pipeline builder advised to gin up fake grassroots support

TransCanada has teamed up with the world's largest public relations firm to promote a proposed alternative pipeline that's entirely in Canada.

Comedian Wyatt Cenac on mayo, hair salons, and gentrification

The former Daily Show correspondent says there are two kinds of gentrifier. Only one would open a mayonnaise shop.

Would you like some spies with that right to peacefully assemble?

Forty different federal agencies are keeping themselves busy spying on the American public, according to a New York Times study.
bar none

We’re eating chocolate faster than we can grow it

Climate change is fueling a global chocolate shortage -- and we aren't helping.
Climate & Energy

Big Oil doesn’t even need Keystone — all the more reason to kill it

The Keystone XL battle is mostly symbolic at this point, which makes winning even more important.

What a shrimp treadmill can teach us about science funding

Republicans contend that a shrimp treadmill isn't worth $3 million. They're right: It's priceless. (And only cost $47.)
Climate & Energy

Rising seas are swallowing this Republican’s district. Will he do anything about it?

Much of Garret Graves' district may one day be underwater.

Watch out, NYC, your backyard carrots might be pumped full of lead

The study found five out of seven garden plots had unsafe levels of toxic metals in the soil. Gulp.

Is 4-H trying to hook African farmers on costly seeds?

A conversation with author Kiera Butler about the ethical issues around introducing developing countries to hybrid seeds that are high-yield -- and high-cost.

Should we feed needy families junk food?

A reader wonders what to do with the low-nutrition food that's being donated for feeding the hungry. Umbra says put it in the bank.

Why the Democrats are stupid to allow a Senate vote on Keystone

The so-called "Hail Mary" to save Sen. Mary Landrieu's political hide is a pointless Kabuki dance.

What Harvey Milk can teach today’s green activists

As environmental causes move from national to local, we can take some notes from the tragic but phenomenally successful story of "The Mayor of Castro Street."

Louisville is gunning to be the most bike-tastic city in America

Louisville's impressive Neighborways system will slow down traffic, add trees, and implement green infrastructure citywide.

This recipe will convert any remaining brussels sprouts haters

Make a smarter stuffing with brussels sprouts, and learn the finer points of sprout preparation.

We’re hooked on this map of industrial fishing

This will make it easier to crack down on boats that are overfishing or illegally fishing in some of the most vulnerable parts of the oceans.

Obama pledges $3 billion for world climate fund, makes the GOP look even dumber

As Obama, our allies in Europe, and even China, commit to reduce emissions, Republicans are becoming more isolated by the day.

Your double cheeseburger is ruining everything

Science confirms meat, sugar, and fat really do mess up our bodies -- and the planet.
Climate & Energy

The Dark Lord of Coal Country could (finally) spend time behind bars

Don Blankenship, the former CEO of Massey Energy, has been indicted on charges that could land him in jail for 30 years.
Climate & Energy

Phew! Texas textbook publisher ditches climate denial

Pearson, the world's largest education publisher, nixes climate denial from its Texas textbook. Huzzah!
Business & Technology

This solar-powered, glow-in-the-dark, Van Gogh-inspired bike path will blow your mind

Goodbye everyone, we're moving to the Netherlands.
Climate & Energy

Big Energy has tried to turn people of color against solar power since forever

Happily, more and more people are seeing through the hype.
Going for a hat trick?

Now that China and the U.S. have a climate deal, will India step up next?

India is the world's No. 3 carbon emitter, and now it's in the hot seat.
Climate & Energy

What climate hawks can learn from the midterms: Messaging and money matter

The mainstream media spun the election as a debilitating blow for climate advocates. That's the wrong takeaway.
The Big O moves beyond flat-screen TVs to CSA boxes

The online retailer hopes to disrupt corporate ag by selling fare from small farms online.
Climate & Energy

No, the new climate deal does not let China off the hook

Republicans say the agreement doesn't require China to do anything. Here's why they're wrong.
Shocking news

Your odds of getting struck by lightning just increased

Thanks, climate change.
Here be ocean acidification

This map shows where we’ve screwed the oceans most

Now we know exactly which places are suffering most from ocean acidification.
Preach It

Anti-consumption Pope would rather you knit him something for Christmas

Pope Francis warns world leaders to consider the vital issues of over-consumption and climate change when talking global economics.

Palm-oil giant makes big commitment. Rainforests rejoice

Seventy-five percent of all palm oil will be produced responsibly -- if all the big companies live up to the promises they've now made.
Climate & Energy

Obama’s deal with China is a big win for solar, nuclear, and clean coal

We could soon see an armistice in the solar trade war.
We're from the GOP and we're here to help ... fry the planet

Meet the Senate leaders who plan to gut the EPA and approve Keystone

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the new Republican committee chairs are all hostile to climate action.

Relax — California isn’t about to dump pesticides on organic farms

A new state report outlines some edge-case scenarios, but mostly, California's pest control strategies do a good job of protecting the interests of green farmers.

Can a vegan ever truly love a carnivore?

A reader wonders whether two hearts can meat. Umbra says vegan start by accepting each other for who we are.

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