Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Buenos Aires Herald

November 20, 2014
The Upper House has passed the controversial Criminal Procedural Code reform bill, as government officials expected, with 39 votes in favor and 24 against.
Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman participated in a United Nations Security Council meeting, where he insisted on Argentina’s call to other states to abstain from sending guns to conflict zones.
UNEN-Broad Front lawmaker Fernando Pino Solanas said that Elisa Carrió’s decision to leave the center-left coalition does not mean the end of the alliance. “I am a little surprised, I am just finding out. It is a pity,” he said about Carrio’s exit.
• Carrió quits UNEN: 'UCR gave Scioli win'
Pro-government CGT head Antonio Caló has confirmed he will ask for a meeting with President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to ask for a December income tax exemption.
Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich said there are no signs of social upheaval as the one seen last December despite recent protests by trade unions and a renewed labour dispute with police officers.
• Gov’t moves to ‘secure’ December
A federal judge has struck down Montana's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional, handing gay rights advocates the latest in a wave of legal victories as the nation awaits a potential definitive ruling on the matter by the US Supreme Court.
Two Brazilian executives admitted yesterday to paying multi-million dollar bribes to a former director of Petrobras and a money launderer with the intention of securing contracts with the state-oil company.
Head of ministers Jorge Capitanich said that many Argentineans do not feel the need to wait until January 2016 for the Code - which rules for everyday life in the country -, to come into effect.
Cabinet chief Jorge Capitanich said that the UNEN-Broad Front's lawmaker Hermes Binner is the leader of the militant group Barrios de Pie that has launched a series of protests against the government demanding for food assistance.
An autumn blizzard dumped a year's worth of snow in three days on Western New York state, where five people died and residents, some stranded overnight in cars, braced for another pummeling.
US stocks edged lower as minutes from the most recent Federal Reserve meeting gave investors few new clues as to when US interest rates may rise.
By Al Kamen
In June, Barack Obama, occasionally dubbed the “deporter-in-chief,” promised Latino leaders he would use his executive powers and issue an order to protect some illegal immigrants from deportation.
The Precios Cuidados price watch program fueled by the federal government will be launching a food basket for Christmas, the cabinet chief has confirmed.
The so-called “blue” dollar traded steady and closed at 13.55 pesos today, after earlier falls. Meanwhile, the blue-chip swap rate plunged 23 cents to 11.75 pesos, after yesterday's sharp decline.
The Delegation of Israeli-Argentine Jewish Associations (DAIA) has officially condemned the attack on a Jerusalem synagogue that claimed the lives of five people on Wednesday, saying the violent incident accounted for an “affront against most profound human values.”
Pope Francis has condemned an attack by two Palestinians who killed five Jews in a Jerusalem synagogue, and expressed concern about rising tension and violence in the city.
• Francis calls abuse victim • Five killed in synagogue attack
A battling display by Huracán ensured that the Nacional B team overcame Atlético Rafaela 2-0 in the semi-final of the Copa Argentina, marking the first time that the Parque Patricios side have reached the final of the national cup tournament.
Authorities have raided at least 25 professional football clubs as part of investigations into the use of funds sent from the government-run 'Football for Everybody' television rights program, following an order emitted by judge María Servini de Cubría.
The Colombian government and leftist FARC rebels have agreed to unspecified conditions under which the rebels will release General Ruben Dario Alzate and four others as soon as possible, representatives of the Cuban and Norwegian governments said.
A Cuban doctor infected with Ebola in Sierra Leone will be flown to Switzerland in the next 48 hours for hospitalisation in Geneva, Swiss health authorities said.
The health condition of popular tango singer-songwriter Cacho Castaña was slightly improved today, his personal physician Alfredo Cahe said. He remains hospitalised in Buenos Aires City’s Sanatorio Los Arcos under treatment for a serious respiratory ailment.
"Reprehensible is a word I’ve used as a teacher to describe the actions of Hitler, other political tyrants and the exploitation of children by pedophiles," Debbie Ziegler, the mother of the 29-year-old Brittany Maynard, said.
Spanish singer Isabel Pantoja has been ordered to report to prison within three days to serve a two-year sentence for money-laundering after Málaga provincial court rejected all of her appeals today.
At least 25 passengers were injured after a freak spark led those aboard a formation on the Mitre railway line to believe a fire had broken out, causing a chaotic evacuation of the carriages.

By Fermín Koop
Investors betting on another new steep devaluation of the peso or a bank run before the end of the year are going to lose out as the federal government is firmly intent on bringing calm to the market, Central Bank Governor Alejandro Vanoli warned.

President likely to be chosen by tomorrow

New Magistrates Council members jockey for key positions

By Luciana Bertoia
The new members of the Magistrates Council, the body in charge of the selection and removal of judges, were yesterday sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Ricardo Lorenzetti at the Central Courthouse. Behind closed doors, negotiations continued at press time to decide who is going to head the council.


Dollar (Official price) DOLLAR (Official price) $ 8,480 $ 8,530
Dollar Blue price) DOLLAR ("Blue" price) $ 13,45 $ 13,55
Euro EURO $ 10,720 $ 11,240
Pound POUND $ 13,297 $ 13,384
Merval MERVAL $ 9.584,310 $ -2,15
Dow Jones DOW JONES $ 17.685,730 $ -0,01
Bovespa BOVESPA $ 53.402,810 $ 2,58
Full MARKET coverage HERE

Perpetual borders

Patricio Navia

Perpetual borders

In praise of cynicism

Andrés Federman

In praise of cynicism

By Jim Tankersley
Monday traffic is brutal on US 101 between San Francisco and San José, choking the commute to Google and Facebook and hundreds of startups you’ve never heard of.
Sitting down to interview Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth, stars of the blockbuster Hunger Games franchise, feels a bit like hanging out with three siblings.

• World Trade

Argentina’s high-tech satellite expertise leads to low insurance prime

• On Sunday

Tackling femicide

Grupo ámbito ámbito financiero Docsalud Premium El Ciudadano El Tribuno Management

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