Monday, September 29, 2014

News from Venezuela- El Universal

CARACAS, Monday September 29, 2014 | Update 31'

UN to assess Venezuela's effort against torture

Abuse by the National Guard has been reported by different NGOs (Adolfo Acosta)
What steps have been taken to eradicate torture? How many officers have been punished for such a crime? This and some other questions will have to be answered by the Venezuelan authorities next November 6-7 before the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT), which will assess the actions taken to prevent such violation of human rights.  
01:49 PM


Anti-dengue and chikungunya plan to visit 180,000 homes in Caracas

Measures against dengue and chikungunya include eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes and covering water deposits (File photo)
The Mayor of Libertador Municipality, Jorge Rodríguez, outlined that the main measure is mosquito abatement, consisting in putting a chemical in the water stored for more than seven days to prevent mosquito larvae from growing
01:47 PM


Venezuela faces 27 disputes at Icsid

Venezuela's accounts payable will increase in the event of further rulings against the State in pending arbitration. Last week, Canadian mining company Gold Reserve Inc. informed that the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Di (...)
11:31 AM

Venezuelan imports at their lowest level in four years

Imports during the first half totaled USD 17.35 billion, 21.8% less (...)
In the first half, Venezuelan imports declined to its lowest level since 2010, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE)
09:48 AM


Venezuelan gov't launches plan against dengue, chikungunya

Nancy Pérez, Venezuelan Minister of Health (AVN)
Nancy Pérez, Minister of Health, noted that this second stage of the plan started in priority states where the highest number of cases of dengue and chikungunya has been reported


Iván Simonovis: "I am finally here!"

After nine years and 299 days in prison, having applied for (...)
The Supreme Tribunal of Justice emphasized the temporary nature his humanitarian release


In contempt of court

The Santa Rita hacienda has been occupied since 2003 by peasants (...)
On May 2, the Venezuelan Supreme Tribunal of Justice motioned to uphold its November 2003 ruling to return the Santa Rita hacienda to its original owner, which has not been complied with


Amid debris

Which revolutionary State is more similar to Venezuela?




"A civilized exit would avoid a Franco, a Pinochet or a Stalin"

Gaviria alerted it is impossible to reverse the deterioration of the (...)
"It is has been demonstrated that when the State controls the agro-food chain, the crisis worsens." "Without the private sector, Venezuelans cannot have enough food on time"



Interview with Russian ambassador to Venezuela

"The West wants Russia's military containment"

Zaemskiy has been the Russian ambassador to Venezuela since September (...)
"There is a clear delay in the investigation into the flight of Malaysia Airlines," the ambassador noted



Secretary General of the OAS

Insulza: Opposition cannot dialogue if dissenting leaders are in prison

José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of (...)
According to the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), the home arrest measure granted to former police chief Iván Simonovis "is probably not enough to resume dialogue"
01:47 PM


Venezuela faces 27 disputes at Icsid

Venezuela's accounts payable will increase in the event of further rulings against the State in pending arbitration.
09:58 AM

UN to assess Venezuela's effort against torture

Abuse by the National Guard has been reported by different NGOs (...)
What steps have been taken to eradicate torture? How many officers have been punished for such a crime? This and some other questions will have to be answered by the Venezuelan authorities next November 6-7 before the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT), which will assess the actions taken to prevent such violation of human rights.
01:49 PM


Anti-dengue and chikungunya plan to visit 180,000 homes in Caracas

Measures against dengue and chikungunya include eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes and covering water deposits (File photo)
The Mayor of Libertador Municipality, Jorge Rodríguez, outlined that the main measure is mosquito abatement, consisting in putting a chemical in the water stored for more than seven days to prevent mosquito larvae from growing
11:31 AM

Venezuelan imports at their lowest level in four years

Imports during the first half totaled USD 17.35 billion, 21.8% less (...)
In the first half, Venezuelan imports declined to its lowest level since 2010, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE)
09:58 AM

UN to assess Venezuela's effort against torture

Abuse by the National Guard has been reported by different NGOs (...)
Venezuelan State claims it fights to prevent crime. Non-governmental organizations say otherwise
09:48 AM


Venezuelan gov't launches plan against dengue, chikungunya

Nancy Pérez, Venezuelan Minister of Health (AVN)
Nancy Pérez, Minister of Health, noted that this second stage of the plan started in priority states where the highest number of cases of dengue and chikungunya has been reported
In contempt of court
Eleven years have elapsed since the Santa Rita "hacienda", or rural estate, in the Obispo municipality of Barinas state (in southwest Venezuela), was first invaded.

Venezuelan gov't launches plan against dengue, chikungunya
HEALTH Venezuelan Minister of Health Nancy Pérez launched on Sunday a nationwide plan to fight dengue fever and chikungunya. The plan is called "The people on the streets against dengue and chikungunya."
Anti-dengue and chikungunya plan visits 180,000 homes in Caracas
HEALTH The Libertador Mayor's Office in Caracas, Venezuela's capital, expects to visit over 180,000 homes by December in the context of mosquito abatement and fumigation plans to fight dengue and chikungunya viruses. The plan also includes raising awareness of and education about the diseases among the communities.
Experts link Chikungunya with recent deaths in Venezuela
HEALTH CARE Representatives from the Venezuelan Medical Society have claimed that the recent deaths of unknown causes, and reported in the country were "strictly associated with the recent outbreak of chikungunya virus currently on the rise nationwide."

HUMAN RIGHTS Home arrest after nine years in prison
CARACAS Overlooking Caracas from up above
SMUGGLING Gasoline smuggling, big business on the border

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