Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Murray Hill in the Rain

Murray Hill is an interesting mix of the residential and commercial, townhouses and big old (and some new) apartment buildings, a short walk to the very center of Manhattan...

It has a lot of charm somehow, with historic buildings and little courtyards here and there behind iron gates...

Not all the people you meet there are so charming. As I was crossing the street and trying to keep my eye on the building I was filming, a well dressed young woman --very "busy" as they say-- hailed me with, " Excuse me, where is Number 221?"(Actually, I realized later, we were right in front of it. There ARE house numbers).

I replied very apologetically that I did not know and that also I had to concentrate on what I was filming.

I then went on and heard a bunch of Brooklynese epithets ending with "PRICK!!" and turned to see her stomping off.

Well, some people are like that..."you can dress them up but you can't take them anywhere"...

Here is the record of my brief walk in the rain on a typical Murray Hill block


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