Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Latest reports from FactCheck.com

I don't use FactCheck as often as Snopes

Here are its latest postings

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ACA Doesn’t Restrict Mammograms

Q: Does the Affordable Care Act restrict my ability to get a mammogram?
A: No. In fact, the law requires insurers to cover mammography, with no cost-sharing, every one to two years for women starting at age 40. Medicare fully pays for mammograms once every 12 months with no upper age limit.

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Defining Default

President Obama says failing to raise the debt limit will “force the United States to default on its obligations.” Sen. Rand Paul contends “there’s no reason for us to default.” Who’s right?
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Sex Questions from Your Doctor?

Q: Will doctors be required to ask patients questions about their sexual history under the Affordable Care Act?
A: No. A program created by the stimulus law – not Obamacare — encourages health professionals to use electronic records. But there is no requirement in the program to ask anything about sexual history.

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