Sunday, September 29, 2013

International Center for the Disabled

ICD at one time stood for Institute for the Crippled and Disabled.

I met a man who was a patient here when it had that name ( he has a back problem that can get pretty bad) and he said he was absolutely bummed out by the "crippled" part of the name.

Many people were, thus the name change.

I came here for a while when they could not determine if I had early stage Parkinson's Disease or not ( thankfully, NO).

While I feel they were knew what they were doing medically, I thought the staff here were some of the most unpleasant and often unprofessional people I had ever met. But that was years ago now, maybe things have changed.  

Well--there is one Yelp review which just says what a horrible time the person had here (in every way) but that it provides some vital services.

Most of the stuff on the internet is very praiseful of the joint, to wit:

THE JM FOUNDATION Introduction and History | Grant Guidelines | Directors and Officers
Grant Awards: 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 | Forms 990-PF | Site Map

Introduction and History

Jeremiah Milbank
Jeremiah Milbank
Jeremiah Milbank created The JM Foundation in 1924 to help integrate people with disabilities into all aspects of American life. He was also an ardent champion of individual liberty and limited government. To realize his vision, The JM Foundation Directors support activities that foster self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, and private initiative. The Foundation’s current philanthropic goals are to encourage market-oriented public policy solutions; to enhance America’s unique system of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, private property ownership, and voluntarism; and to strengthen American families.

The Founder
Jeremiah Milbank was a man of remarkable accomplishments. A businessman and financier, he developed an intensely personal interest in health and rehabilitation after losing his mother, father, wife, and a son to disease and premature death in the five years before his 30th birthday.
Motivated by a desire to help disabled World War I veterans, he collaborated with the Red Cross to found the first comprehensive rehabilitation center in the United States to address their needs. The professional standards and rehabilitative techniques pioneered there were adopted throughout the world. The facility still operates in Manhattan as the ICD-International Center for the Disabled.

Jeremiah Milbank led efforts to eradicate diphtheria and organized the International Committee for the Study of Infantile Paralysis in 1928. Because of his active interest in a cure for polio, President Franklin Roosevelt asked him to chair the organization that was the forerunner of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

A lifelong volunteer, Jeremiah Milbank helped President Herbert Hoover to develop the Boys & Girls Clubs of America into a strong organization that provides supportive services for disadvantaged youth. He served as Treasurer of the national organization for 25 years.
Deeply held spiritual beliefs led him to finance the first film about the life of Jesus Christ, Cecil B. DeMille’s epic King of Kings. Jeremiah Milbank instructed that all income derived from the film should be used to make it available to new audiences. DeMille later wrote, “There is a persistent myth that capitalists think of nothing but capital . . . I have known a certain number of very rich men who were scamps and a larger number who were just dullards; but two of the finest men I have ever known, with the largest minds and highest ideals, were also men of great financial power. One of them is Jeremiah Milbank.”

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