Saturday, September 28, 2013

Frm WNYC- Candidate DeBlasio

WNYC report on Democratic Mayoral Candidate DeBlasio

Candidate de Blasio

Friday, September 27, 2013

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After accepting the endorsement of Queens Democrats, mayoral hopeful Bill de Blasio described his activism in Nicaragua as part of his "life's work" to reduce inequality. (Anna Sale/WNYC)
In his first WNYC interview since winning the Democratic nomination for mayor, New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, discussed his policy agenda, the latest from the campaign trail, and more news of the day. He credited Michael Bloomberg for health and environmental initiatives, but said Bloomberg squandered local control and was "losing touch" with the economic state of the city, particularly in his third term.

On his plan to raise funds to expand pre-K and after-school programs by raising taxes on the very wealthy, de Blasio called the tax a "small, local" proposal that he doesn't think would scare away wealthier New Yorkers from moving to or staying in the city. His tax is one proposal to help address inequality, something the de Blasio admited is not entirely under control of the New York mayor. But de Blasio vowed to do everything he's empowered to do, particularly since he feels the federal government isn't doing enough.

When asked about the two candidates looking to fill his shoes as Public Advocate, de Blasio said Tish James and Daniel Squadron are "both friends" who "would do a fine job" -- and that he has no plans to endorse either one.


Bill de Blasio

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