Thursday, August 15, 2013

Training Institute for Mental Health Offers Sexuality Presentations

These are the upcoming presentations for the Fall 2013 Continuing Education Series--Theme:
Sexuality and Initmacy-- Since the 60's, Feminism, Coming Out and Dyadic Psychoanalysis--

September 20, 27 and October 4 , 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

People who are in the Mental Health field or students in it are the main target here...but this overview gives you an idea what people in the field are talking about now when it comes to Human Sexuality...

Sexuality and Intimacy-- Post Masters and Johnson- September 20 , 2013

Despite its popular appeal and some clinical use, the famous Masters and Johnson study is quite limited in helping therapists understand how to treat sexual problems.

This presentation will discuss contemporary theories and techniques that challenge and expand on Masters and Johnson's model...

Focus on how to integrate sexuality and intimacy. Case material will be used to illustrate all the psychological perspectives:

Presented by: Dr. Suzanne Iasenza, faculty of the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapist and Psychoanalysis ( ICP) and Faculty  member of Adelphi University's Dernier Institute. Private practice of psychotherapy and sex therapy in New York...her most recent paper is "What's Queer about Sex: Expanding Sexual Frames in Theory and Practice."

"What's Love Got to Do With It?" Contributions of the Mother Infant Relationship to Sexuality and Intimacy

September 27, 2013

Sexuality and attachment are both separate...Two adult treatments will illustrate male and female difficulties around patterns of excitement and distress and regulation that are observed in current infant research..
A lot proceeds from from knowledge of thre body starting in infancy...

The foundation for the person's capacity to soothe herself with touch, and to receive adequate emotional responsiveness from the partner will be described..

This involves both male and female sexuality, including classic themes of overstimulation,seduction and betrayal in the early relationship to the mother..

Applications to clinical work with overtly sexual material and with the analyst's own sexual subjectivity will be included.

Presented by Dr. Galit Atlas, psychoanalyst, creative arts therapist, and clinical supervisor in privte practice in NY; faculty of NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis , National Institute for the Psychotherapies, and Institute for Expressive Analysis (also on Board of Directors there); Editorial Board of Psychoanalytic Perspectives, author of articles and book chapter focusing primarily on sexuality.

"Imperfect Love, Imperfect Lives: Reflections on the Elusive Connection between Sexuality and Intimacy"

October 4, 2013

Though Freud's analytic ideals of optimal functioning in love and work still stand worth striving for, analysts must remember that what is "ideal" for one patient is not ideal for another..

Analysts must be careful about imposing personal and/or theoretical values or aims on patients..
though they often do this in the dimension of Love.

Optimal sexual pleasure and intimate companionship with the same person is not easy to implement for most patients and analysts alike..

When analysts try to impose ideals that they themselves might not reach or even strive for can create conflict with patients' pursuit of their own unique individuality and modes of personal relatedness...

Presented by Dr. Irwin Hirsch, distinguished faculty member of the William Alanson White Institute, Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis  and NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis: editorial board of Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalytic Dialogues; Psychoanalytic Perspectives; author of more than 75 articles , chapters and reviews and 2008 Goethe Award winning book, Coasting in the Countertransference: Conflicts of Self Interest between Analyst and Patient ( Routledge)...

For Mental Health Professionals:

Fees for registration depend on which dates and when starting...starting for $25 for each date with payment received by August 26, 2013

Graduate students and candidates of institutes ( Please bring proof of status at door)
$10 with each date , with payment received by August 26, 2013

For complete information on this and "packages" of registration, contact

Training Institute for Mental Health 
115 West 27th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001-6217

212-687-8181  --

Questions about this program? Contact Dr. Susan Spieler at 

And to repeat the basic information on the Training Instiute:


The Training Institute for Mental Health (TI) provides high-quality, low-fee therapy to New Yorkers. Our therapists are licensed mental health professionals who are enrolled in one of our post-graduate training programs in either psychoanalysis, group therapy, or couples therapy.

TI offers a variety of continuing education workshops to social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other professionals.

We accept payment based on a sliding scale that determines a patient's fee by assessing their income and monthly expenses. We also accept Aetna and other health insurance that covers out-of-network mental health benefits.


Established in 1960
For more than 50 years, the Training Institute for Mental Health (TI), a nonprofit organization, has provided affordable, high-quality counseling services to people who live, work or go to school in the New York City Metropolitan area.

Highly respected in the field, TI is a member of the Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists, the Association of Autonomous Psychoanalytic Institutes, and is chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York.

And here is a link to their website 



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