Monday, August 19, 2013

Is it too early to assess the "Bloomberg Era"

WNYC here (Public Radio) is running a series of programs and studies on how Michael Bloomberg changed the City of New York..

Of course, the recounting of history can be tricky, and this may not be the best vantage point from discussing the guy who wants New Yorker's to live in new micro-apartments that have only the space of half a subway car..

Or who has forced tons of New Yorker's too move far out in the City to be able to afford the housing, leaving them dependent on what has aptly been called a "Manhattan-centric" public transit system ( my last trip up to the North Bronx and back was pretty harrowing).

To say nothing of the push to knock off the Garment District etc and turn Manhattan into an isle of the rich and super-rich, and increase the income disparity of people in the City even more than it was before...

To wit:

New York, Remade
New York has been transformed in the last twelve years, in ways simultaneously wrenching and huge and intimate. And though he isn't responsible for all the revolutions we've experienced, Michael Bloomberg leaves an indelibly large mark. Today, we began to look at the ways our city has been remade by New York's first Mayor of the 21st century.

Recently in New York Remade: The Bloomberg Years

Did Bloomberg Make Us Richer?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How do we begin to assess the Bloomberg economic legacy when it comes to personal wealth, and economic prosperity? What do we make of the state of income inequality in New York today as compared to twelve years ago?

After 12 Years of Bloomberg, Data Reigns in the Schools

Thursday, July 11, 2013

It’s no surprise that a mayor who built his fortune developing a computer system that gave the financial industry access to immense amounts of data would apply a technocratic approach to government. But Michael Bloomberg’s belief in data changed the entire conversation about public education in New York City by focusing on tests like never before.

A Timeline Journey Through the School System Under Bloomberg

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

See the key events from the tumultuous past 12 years in the New York City public school system. We begin when Mayor Michael Bloomberg won mayoral control from the state in 2002 and included the highs and the lows until the recent past. New schools, shuttered schools, charter schools. New tests, new contracts, more money, money lost. Anything you want to add? Share it in the comments section below.

In Bloomberg's New York, The Poor Move Further Out, Lengthening Commutes

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Increasing numbers of New Yorkers are traveling within or between the outer boroughs to get to work, often using a Manhattan-centric transportation system that is not well suited to getting them where they need to go.

As Bloomberg Built Affordable Housing, City Became Less Affordable

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Near the beginning of his three terms in office, Mayor Bloomberg made two promises: He'd pump billions into affordable housing. And he'd do everything he could to make the city more desirable. He kept both promises.

New York, the Vertical City, Kept Rising Under Bloomberg

Monday, July 08, 2013

How the city went from terrorist victim to the over-successful city in 12 short years.

New York Remade

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

New York has been transformed in the last 12 years, in ways simultaneously wrenching and huge and intimate.

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