Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Better" Men's Fashion, of the Stylish Kind-- Armani and Brioni

By this time this afternoon, rain was pelting down and I was glad there was all that damn scaffolding up in Midtown, gave me a lot of shelter from the storm ( my little umbrella was no match from endless couldburst, which shows again how that "30% chain of rain" leaves open the possibility for a mini-monsoon...

Brioni (top)-- one thing I noticed which you cannot see in photo of this size probably was HOW nice the fabrics in their clothes looked...really comfortable looking, that's for sure. It reminds me of my older brother, who, when he had started raking in the money in his Madison Avenue (Advertising) job, told he how, " Henceforth, I have decided I shall only wear cashmere sweaters...all other sweaters chafe my sensitive skin."(... This from someone who had been through all kinds of physical duress while a Navy carrier pilot whose only captivity by North Vietnamese was in the form of an exercise in Florida wilds, which I gather was bad enough. My favorite story from that ( besides how lousy the squirrel meat tasted that he was able to kill) was of being chased down a little rise by an irate large snake of some kind ...and only thing funnier I have seen than that was video on Facebook of a rabbit out west that gets annoyed and territorial and chases a large snake across the landscape, until the desperate snake actually manages to jump up into the branches of a low lying had to see this to believe it..

Oh, below, storm nearing its high point while I waited under scaffolding with others on 57th Street

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