Wednesday, July 24, 2013

And what do people think about these Churches? I am Curious..

I was very surprised to see that Yelp actually has reviews of churches on the internet! A small local place like the Trinity Baptist Church here on East 61st Street is even listed, even thought there are no reviews for it yet! ( Oh yes, here is their website--

Well, it would be interesting to know what oridinary people thought about the more ordinary churches we see around us...however, it seems that only the really big ones get the reviews!

Take, for instance, St. Patrick's Cathedral, now under renovation: 

 It looks like it really does get reviews with Yelp...I wonder if all of them are devotional, let's just see what they are like...Well, it does look like all sweetness and light, and I wish I could find some dissenting opinions, just one really...

But it looks like just a minor beef that the place --being under restoration--is not quite what it is like normally.

St. Patrick's Cathedral

173 reviews Rating Details
Category: Churches  [Edit]
14 E 51st St
(between 5th Ave & Madison Ave)
New York, NY 10022
Neighborhood: Midtown East
(212) 753-2261
Nearest Transit Station:
5 Av/53 St (E, M)
51 St (4, 6, 6X)
47 - 50 Sts - Rockefeller Ctr (B, D, F, M)
Mon-Sun 6:30 am - 8:30 pm
Sort by: Yelp Sort | Date | Rating | Useful | Funny | Cool | Total Votes | Friends' | Elites'

170 reviews in English

  • Review from

    7/11/2013 4 photos
    I'd say it's likely the most handsome church I've ever seen in all the towns I've been to so far!  Coming from a guy that grew up hanging out at churches, that assessment may be valid to anyone at some point in time.  I can't say much anymore about it - the pillars, columns, altars, and what-have-you.  All you have to do is walk down in the middle of the city in order to see the level of architecture and awesomeness of this building.

    But of course, if you come down here to pray (like I do, of course!), you'll notice the multitude of tourists also populating the building, taking pictures, posing next to Jesus, resting and whispering aloud about where the next attraction will be while perusing their maps.  Just a heads up for you, in case you're really busy praying and wishing to land that rich and beautiful wife in the future.

    Wait, that altar looks good.  Let me just take a picture of ..wait, let me pose right next to St. Jude...this time without the thumbs up pose.
  • Review from

    I attended a cousins funeral here, maybe it's bad taste to write a view after mentioning that, however, I will continue. Most people and tourists see the main sanctuary and crypt, however, the Lady Chapel which is located still within the main church but behind the crypt is a rare sight indeed.

    Our party was led through a side entrance up to the lady chapel. There are maybe 12 pews and the chapel is adorned with marble and multiple stained glass windows. The entire cathedral evokes a sense of humility and grace. We were very well received and our small funeral procession was treated with the all the dignity and care that a state official would receive here.

    It's a must see for all tourists, this old world architecture and the vastness of this place is amazing, you will stare in awe.
  • Review from

    6/16/2013 1 check-in here
    Environment: 5/5
    Employees: 5/5
    Cost: 5/5
    Parking: 3/5
    Total: 18/20

    Synopsis:  If you knew me and I told you that I was going to go to mass for Easter, you would definitely laugh at me.  But seriously...that is what I did with my friends Franny, Adeline, Chris, and Lorie Ann.  Did I want to go?  It would not be something on my list, "to do" but the fact that I have not seen this place, let alone did mass, I figured I give it a try!  For the hour I was there, it was very enlightening to hear the scriptors and history of the bible.  It is something I have not heard in such a long time.  And for some reason it brought me a high level of ease.  It made the "bad" feeling wash away.  Not to mention, I found out during that hour that a friend of mines go to church, something I did not expect to hear.

    Environment: When you walk inside, it feels as if you are in another world.  The church is very ornate, although not the most ornate I have ever seen.  The church was designed symmetrically with very bright golden colors being shined on in the front where the priest gives his sermon.   Unforutnately, the entire church is under renovation, which gives it a distburing appeal..  It is not the prettiest thing in the world to witness, but I understand that things to be done in order to maintain the building.  Furthermore, the church does not receive have any outside income, so relies solely on donations.

    Employees:  The people were really nice with greeting and departure words of kindness.

    Cost: Free

    Parking:  I think there was street parking, but I am not sure.  Other then that, it is quite difficult to find any parking in the city.
  • Review from

    6/12/2013 1 photo 1 check-in here
    Even with all the scaffolding, pounding, drilling and major renovations going on, there was a total sense of peace and serenity.  Seeing people of all races sitting, lighting candles and praying was such a wonderful site to see.  You could feel the presence of a higher power in this place.
  • Review from

    6/19/2013 5 check-ins here
    I love the mass with His Eminence Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan..he is such a charismatic and wise guy, always gives homily that you can relate to..come on Sundays 10.15am mass, they have amazing choir too during this time..although right now the church in under partial renovation, so make sure u come 10min earlier yo secure seats..
  • Review from

    • 5 friends
    • 167 reviews
    The church is undergoing a renovation which detracts a little from the building.  Other wise this place is amazing.  The architecture is stunning.

    It can get crowded so come early or come late.  The gift shop can be tight with people deciding what to but.  It could use an update also.  The staff is friendly and make do well with the space they have.
Well, it really would be interesting...just a second, I am going to scroll through all the reviews I can and see if there isn't ANYTHING at all critical ( I doubt it seriously of course)--

Well, what do you know, we do have just a two star review by someone who finds the Church too "strict." 

Beautiful strict church. I wanted to baptize my children here since I'm catholic. My husband & I finally agreed to baptize them catholic and not his religion which is christian. The priest told me since we were married Christian and not Catholic,  our children could not be baptized Catholic at the church. I found another church to baptize my children which was less strict.

I am surprised I found even that!

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