Sunday, June 30, 2013

"Cutting Edge Rehab"--including anit-gravity treatment

When I was up in Yorkville yesterday, I came across this place that claims to be state of the art fitness training and rehab.

Some of the terms are famliar ( Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Meditation) and some like Ki Hara Resistance Stretching are new to me.

I am currently going to a restorative yoga class which I am enjoying immensely, and and annoyed I have a meeting this week that is going to keep me from going Tuesday, and then of course Thursday (the other day they offer it) is the Fourth of July.

Let me see what this Amplitude place has on the internet first of all...yes, but mostly too ad oriented...let me see what Yelp is one rave review from a "Sue B." who is gung ho:

I have been a member of the Vibration Studios at Amplitude for over 2 years. I can't recommend this place more highly. First off - let me say, I am not a fan of exercising. That said, this place is perfect for me! I use the (revolutionary) Vibration Platforms and it pretty much does the exercising for you. No kidding.

The Russians invented these platforms for space, where cosmonauts lost too much bone & muscle mass w/o gravity. The Russians could stay in space for 400 days (with the machines) vs. the American's, who, w/o the platforms, were only able to stay in space for 100 days. I myself have experienced just this effect. In 1 1/2 years of "doing the platforms" for 2 to 3 times per week (for one half hour per session), I not only reversed the direction of my osteopenia, I ADDED 4.5% mass to my spine. Apparently this is very difficult to do conventionally. And all without the highly toxic drugs that pass for medicine for this ailment. (Yes, just do a bit of research.)

These vibration platforms are like the fountain of youth for people over 50. (There are many studies you can access online about the many positive effects.) I have also lost all pain from arthritis in my knees, which had caused me much pain over the past few years. Gone. I haven't gotten an x-ray to check it out, but I'm okay, since I feel no pain and have great strength once again. Also, I had sciatica, which was causing me pain, which kept me up at night - which is not good for many reasons. I was taking (questionable) painkillers for this, which I did not like, but wanted to sleep. Well, after a month of doing a simple exercise on the machine for a couple of minutes - the sciatica is now completely gone. I also have increased my strength overall. It's pretty amazing, actually, for the small investment of time.

As for the atmosphere of the whole studio - it's small, extremely pleasant and very community oriented. I was at Equinox for years, and while it has many pluses, I was a cog - except to my trainer (for $100 per hour, I guess he'd have to like me!). This place is friendly, supportive, and after two years, I feel like I have made friends there. (And let me tell you, I live about 40 min. away, so you know I have to like it here, to make that kind of trip. Equinox was 2 min. away.) They take a personal interest in your development. The cost is reasonable (I get one month here for the cost of ONE training session at Equinox), and you are always watched. So it's like you have a semi-private trainer for nothing! Anyway, I wish I could spread the word - about both the vibration machines and about this wonderful place! Just go in and get a short, private demo. It's perfect for busy New Yorkers who don't have much time to exercise.

By the way, there are many young women working out here, but it's especially good for seniors who can't jump around and do more demanding exercises. Also, top professional athletes use the machines for increasing overall performance. Oh, I forgot to say that in a half hour, you get the equivalent of an hour workout. It's so easy and you get so much. It's actually revolutionary! (And no, I am not getting paid for this review. I just believe in the whole package so much and want to spread the word.)

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