Saturday, May 5, 2012

Who owns NYC, American Agribusiness

Was just reading an article on "who owns Manhattan" 
( one real estate type says there are 30 or 40 families,
 who, along with Trinity Church, own an incredible amount of 
the real estate here). 
Bruce Feldman writes there
 of the real estate in Manhattan is owned by a handful (perhaps 30-40) 
of long-standing real estate "families," the largest of which is the 
Estate of Sol Goldman, who died in 1986 and who, at the time, was one of
 the largest owners of real estate in New York City.  Currently, the 
largest owner of properties is probably Trinity Church, which at one 
time owned almost the entirety of lower Manhattan but still owns major 
properties and office buildings throughout lower Manhattan. "
 Also know foreign investors and co-investors own all sorts of
 property here...remember hearing Donald Trump speak about it 
at a business meeting here long ago ( he knows more 
about real estate in NYC than many other topics). Columbia 
University and NYU own a lot, 
I can tell you that..

Which made we wonder what the state of American Agribusiness 
was like these days...found 
a really good but pretty academic article about it

There are also articles on the internet about the probable
 effects of run off of 
chemicals from agribusiness all over the U.S.

You can google up a lot on this sort of topic..

Every once in a while, a show like 60 Minutes runs
 something about some aspect of topics 
like these but we do not hear much about them 
( sometimes, in my paranoid moods, I feel 
we are DEFINITELY NOT to suppose to know about them)

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