Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Manhattan...all that brickwork!

Manhattan has a fair number of buildings that seem to be mostly concrete, glass and steel but this is still a place made up essentially of zillions of bricks used as the "curtain wall" on most buildings...
Remember when I was in  Prague I was struck by how the central part of town there is almost all stonework exteriors...true of a lot of European cities I suppose.

This is just part of an online description of the wonderful Chrysler building ( not all that far from where this photo was taken)

77 floors, 319.5m (1048 feet) high, 29961 tons of steel, 3,826,000 bricks, near 5000 windows. Cost: $ 20,000,000
The building is clad in white brick and dark gray brickwork is used as horizontal decoration to enhance the window rows. The eccentric crescent-shaped steps of the spire (spire scaffolding) were made of stainless steel (or rather, similar nirosta chrome-nickel steel) as a stylized sunburst motif, and underneath it steel gargoyles, depicting American eagles (image), stare over the city. Sculptures modeled after Chrysler automobile radiator caps (image) decorate the lower setbacks, along with ornaments of car wheels. 

By the way,  that cost of $20 million is from back in 1928-30....hard to imagine how much it would take to replicate the Chrysler building today!

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