Sunday, January 17, 2010

Taking Leave of Nicotine Anonymous

Since I have been smoke free for over ten months now and feel like there is no chance of my ever smoking again, regretfully have decided to stop attending Nicotine Anonymous meetings. Today was my last one.

Wish I had found a support group like NA years ago...and also wish they had had nicotine lozenges years ago ( all they had was the patch, which did nothing for me and to which I am allergic).

There are Nicotine Anonymous chapters all over the country now, and I could not recommend it highly enough.

Unfortunately, there are not as many groups as there are for AA-- I was lucky to find one within easy commuting distance.

If you know anyone who is trying to quit smoking 1) see if they can get free gum or lozenges from some program to get started-- my dental clinic supplied some 2) DO look for a NA makes such a huge difference.

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