Sunday, March 29, 2009


Jean Luc Godard  made a movie about 30 years ago or so (have been informed it was actually 44 years about people living in a futuristic world of apartment blocks ( such as were just then being built on the outskirts of Paris)...called "Alphaville"-- where the weirdness of life reflected the monotony and sterility of the architecture.

Alienating and monotonous especially compared to the classic Parisian neighborhood...

These buildings aren't so bad, actually, but what is this weird concrete ampitheater- like construction  supposed to be-- people sit on it in the summer, by the way...they have to sit somewhere.

On a grey day, it seems particularly unwelcoming... I wonder what my sister, who is a landscape architect, would make of all this. She probably knows the theory behind it...there must be some reason it was designed to look this way.

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