Translation from English

Friday, January 2, 2015

Why Do People Shop at KMart Online? Or at Home Depot on West 23rd Street in Manhattan?!!

Anyone who buys anything from KMart online, I have decided, should shop somewhere else or just go to a store directly.

Home Depot provides incorrect information online about what products it has available.,

If you go to its store on West 23rd Street in Manhattan, you will meet amiable but totally incompetent sales people and customer service people. 

Did I get people who were just hired for the holidays? One Puerto Rican man who was supposed to be a manager or something was very curt and hostile about where to find something.

The Asian man I found in that department was very nice but even though I had the aisle and bay number, he had to check his computer.

Then we went to the aisle and the bay and the item was sitting there...I saw it before he did ( I was getting very focused by now) and he still had to check three times before he said "Oh, yes, yes, this is the right item." Nice guy but geez.

I have less good will for KMart.

KMart has people who answer its phone at West 34th Street who are surly and unhelpful. Most of them are black women " with an attitude" and that attitude is " I am very busy and you are unimportant and what are you bothering me for anyway?"

Love this email I received from KMart

Great news. Your order number 781483483 has been delivered!  ( No, Not Great News).

Here are the details: 

This order contains the item(s) listed below.

Orders with multiple items may ship separately. If you still have items yet to be delivered, we will send you a ship confirmation for each shipment to keep you updated on the status of your order. 

Thank you for shopping at We truly appreciate your business and hope you enjoy your items. Then why don't you have people who act like they appreciate my business and not that I am a problem for them in their busy, busy, day where they talk small talk to other people they work with and keep you waiting.

Best regards,
Imran Jooma
EVP & President, Marketing and Online

Dear Imran Jooma:

How did you ever get to be EVP & President, Marketing and Online? I assume that the fish stinks from the head and if the people who work for you are so awful, it is probably because you treat them horribly to begin with.

Why don't you resign, Imran Jooma, and get a job where you could handle the work? I can't imagine what this job might be, but one probably exists somewhere. Maybe you could scrape dog poop of the sidewalks of Manhattan Avenue in Manhattan. Because the people from the Frederick Douglass Houses do not pick up after their pit bulls. Yes, I feel picking up pit bull poop would be a good job for you. You would learn a lot!

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