Today was the last of the mild Fall days, according to the weather man, so people were out in light clothes and enjoying sitting out in the fading afternoon light...
Tomorrow it gets chilly, and this is the last "Indian Summer" day..
There are all sorts of dry cleaners around here, of course, but don't ask me what "Natural Cleaning" is...
Just remember a time when "French cleaning" was very popular, whatever that was.
What is now called a "needle building" rises mid block not so far from where I live...
"Needle buildings" in midblock (particularly the taller ones) were banned for a while but now I think they are permitted again. Real estate developers often win in long run except in areas like Greenwich Village, where zoning board is made up of preservationist fanatics.
Gnarled roots from this tree will not "behave" and grow neatly into the urban space provided for them...suspect they will break up surrounding sidewalk some day.
Sunny, beautiful Fall day, tons of people out with cameras taking pictures of their kids, friends, etc.
Man posing in lower shot has Empire State Building up above him but you cannot see it from this angle...(guess that's what guy taking photo had chosen as background to picture of his friend).
I know this is "the city that never sleeps," and that there are 24-hour establishments all over the place, but I still didn't expect a 24-hour fitness club...
Well, I am sure there are people who like the idea.
On Second Avenue, a woman had a lot of old stuff from her place that she was selling off..
Asked her permission to take photo...she ducked out of picture range and then started saying to a passer-by, " Oh, look, I'm on television!" Who did she think I was, Eyewitness News?
Another sign holder: for the Goodburger Shop further up Second Avenue.
This is one place where traffic comes out of the Midtown Tunnel... they sure make it clear that it is no place to be driving the wrong way.
Took this shop window picture on 42nd Street because it was interesting and now realize I don't have the slightest idea what kind of store it is...will have to go back sometime and find out.
Think this sign at local Unitarian Church is politically correct but maybe wishful thinking...
Basques have been part of Spain for many years and there is still violence brewing there. Northern Ireland is still a hot spot. Heaven help us with the Middle East...
You can't tell me these people don't know each other, they are prejudiced anyway.
Really sad to see the 24 hour Mini Market closing...probable reason is rents going up...despite hard times, commercial rents are still going way up in Midtown.