Across the street from the Empire State Building, postcards show many views of the Empire State at night, etc.
Also larger ones which throw in Times Square. I have never run a photo of Times Square and I don't think it is very likely that I will do so unless someone asks me to.
On Third Avenue a few blocks East, an establishment calls itself "Buddha Nails." Wonder what this means end up with philosophical nails, and you feel differently if they break?
As I expected, when I took this picture of man with broken bike, he and his female companion were a little taken aback and wanted to know why I was taking their picture.
Explained it was just for my blog, which seemed to satisfy them.
Good thing guy is wearing helmet...he seemed to have no injuries. Had a bike collapse on me when I was a 12-year-old and it hurt like hell...fell on all this gravel and asphalt.
Oh yes, the Chakras healing place again...just love this sign. Reminds me/makes me nostalgic for doing yoga.
Delighted to see that Rosa's Pizzeria on Second Avenue near 34th Street didn't dump their great piece of street statuary, The Pizza Man-- he was just away being refurbished!
Have walked past this Shoe Repair Shop many times and noticed it was closed, but just struck me today it is REALLY closed and has been for some time--funny how you can walk right by an occurrence like that and be oblivious.
What is with the "Heena Tatoo"--shoudn't that be Henna?
Old woman on walker is familiar sight around here,--there are many seniors and retirees who have lived here for years and years.
Second Avenue full of dangerous traffic on Labor, for my 200th posting, are just everyday sights on Second Avenue... First, the Gristede's I see all the time...
Second, a surprised shopper coming out of the Duane Reade store...
And, finally, a suspicious looking proprietor eyes the photographer in front of his Quick Stop Deli...probably thinks I am working for Immigration or Homeland Security or something!