Friday, August 27, 2010

Shoe Repair; "Love My Soup"

Little shops and restaurants still exist on Second Avenue, such as the shoe repair place with the little shoe maker in the window ( hard to see here, unfortunately).

Soup lovers have a little place to enjoy themselves nearby...though not probably what most people want on hot days in the summer.

Friday, August 20, 2010

More scenes from Tudor City

Most of Tudor City dates from the late 1920's, but there are a couple of buildings that were added later ( doorway shown here a few shots in is from a later building...simpler than the original style but still had the neo Gothic detailings ( None of the architecture of Tudor City is really what we think of as Tudor, with the half beams etc.

Friday evening finds people hanging out and enjoying the view of the sun fading in the East...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tudor City , Saturday afternoon

More from Tudor City.

It's a great place to be on a cool, breezy Saturday afternoon in August, with its views of the United Nations and the East river and beyond...seems so apart from the bustle of Midtown Manhattan.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Childrens' Playground

Closed off kids' playground in St. Vartan's Park is very popular.

Found after taking this photo I was being watched very closely by cops in nearby car...