Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Street Sale Confab, Another Little Garden

This woman on 35th Street apparently is clearing out her apartment of all kinds of clutter and excess belongings.

Neighbors I guess drop by for a chat.

Hope this wasn't caused because woman had bedbugs and is getting rid of possibly infested items!

Think I had shown this shady little garden before. I love it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bike Army

Guess Manhattan could not exist without its army of delivery guys on bikes...

They talk to each other on cell phones now and tell each other about stolen bikes, etc

In one case, some bike guy actually saw the missing bike parked on a street somewhere and was able to rescue it.

Here one of them ( most seem to be Hispanic, but not all) keeps the bike in good repair on a hot afternoon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Swelter- Empty Playground

Normally busy playground is empty this afternoon because of the heat and humidity ( some diehards can be seen in the distance, one of them doing push-ups).

Better day to seek the shade.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Energy Vortex Around Here?.... Planters

Not just another psychic but a full fledged healing center...

It has been suggested that this neighborhood is some kind of energy vortex.

That explanation seems as good as any...

Planters grace 34th Street

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tourists with cameras

Good day to be a tourist in NY...

hot but not too hot, lots of cloud cover, humidity not all that bad...

34th Street area is just place where proximity to Empire State Building seems to inspire a lot of picture-taking.

Family keeps posing until dad gets the right shot..

And another prize photo being taken of the Empire State bldg.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Swelter- the Parasol

Blazing hot sun....humid enough but the weatherman says it is low compared to what is to come!

Some people use umbrellas/parasols to shade themselves from the sun.

Does it work very well? I will have to ask someone some time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Buildings with Same Name

Two apartment buildings less than two blocks from each other each claim the name of "The Murray Hill."

This shows you how this branding stuff gets silly.

Have already noted that all sorts of places well out of the historic boundaries of the neighborhood still claim the name "Murray Hill" somehow...

Think I posted not so long ago that there is a plaque that says the center of the old Murray farm was about 35th and Park Avenue...if that means anything.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mystery Alley

Took picture through gate of very cool looking little alleyway off 36th Street...have shown this before.

Noted this time it is on the National Register of Historic Places ( there is a plaque which says no more than that!).

This is the kind of little nook that people in Murray Hill love...

Must cost a mint to buy one of the little coach houses though.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Man dozing; Tibetan women; serene garden

Some young guy sleeping it off(?) in don't see this too often in upscale Murray Hill.

Tibetan woman gather in front of Armenian cathedral..

Just after I took this photo, a man came by who looked just like the Dalai Lama. Shame I couldn't get his picture.

Little oasis: garden behind big gate on 35th Street....

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Last Psyhic; Blue Drinks; Movie Poster

This is the last neighborhood psychic I show for a while, I promise...

Energy drinks at Rite Aid include the blue colored kind..someone says some people put in Windex bottles and drink it at games etc. as a joke...

Local movie cineplex has all these (now fading) posters up for classic movies...this, of course, is "African Queen"...