Sunday, July 31, 2016


The Nazi Games – Berlin 1936 – Special Airs Tuesday, August 2!
From the torch relay to the grand spectacle, see how today’s Olympic Games were shaped by the collaboration of interests between the Nazis and the IOC at the Berlin games in 1936. 
Koko – The Gorilla Who Talks
In 1971 Penny Patterson began teaching sign language to a gorilla named Koko, unaware that this relationship would define both their lives. Watch a preview and other rare footage of Koko.
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Join Gwen Ifill as she leads robust roundtable discussions with award-winning journalists providing in-depth analysis of major stories that matter to you. Watch the latest current event videos now.
The Great British Baking Show – Stream Season 3 Now
The search for the country’s best amateur baker continues. Watch full-length episodes from the latest season. Stream today before episode 1 disappears! (expires at midnight on August 1st) 
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Le Monde

Update at 9:50 p.m.

Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray investigators interested in potential accomplices

The cousin of one of the killers, believed to have been aware of an imminent attack project, was set Sunday Review.
Un « gardien », deux « prisonniers ». Image prise lors de l’expérience de Stanford en 1971.

"The Stanford experience" or how prison relations degenerate POST BLOG

There are 45, a university experience offered to students to play prisoners and guards. And the situation degenerated ...

Why Navigo increases, electricity and decrease the Livret A rate does not move  5

Transport, electricity, real estate ... our explanation of what changes to 1 August

 5 Facts to remember the weekend

You picked up the news during the weekend? Here's what to remember.

demonstration in support Turkish President in the streets of Cologne  18

Nearly 40 000 people were present to support the Turkish government, which multiplies the purges, he is the target of international criticism.
Spanish fans play the highly addictive Pokemon Go game during a gathering in central Madrid, Spain, Thursday, July 28, 2016, to play the computer game. In the game players try to capture, battle, and train virtual creatures in their real world locations using the GPS and camera on their smart devices. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)

One week diet "Pokemon Go"  12

Jeunes gens désoeuvrés devant le nouveau pont reliant Vladivostok et l’île de Roussiki, érigé juste avant le sommet de l’APEC, en 2012.

The Far East of Putin, the struggle continues  5

Etienne Tshisekedi à son arrivée en RDC, le 27 juillet.

The opponent Etienne Tshisekedi shows its forces in the streets of Kinshasa

Vanessa Redgrave à Cannes le 14 mai 2016.

Vanessa Redgrave, "I am above all a child of war"

Des milicien houthistes près de Sanaa le 21 juillet.

Still no hope for peace in Yemen

Des policiers devant la cathédrale de Rouen, le 27 juillet.

Survey after the aggression of a Muslim septuagenarian near Rouen  16

Hillary Clinton devant la convention démocrate à Philadephie le 28 juillet

Hillary Clinton at arms  6

Le premier ministre Manuel Valls dans  son bureau à l’hôtel de Matignon à Paris le 28 juillet 2016.

Valls details the "pact" that he wants to build with Islam in France  121

Photo réalisée le 7 septembre 2012 à Paris d'un avis d'imposition sur le revenu et de pièces de 1 euro. La France maintient son objectif de réduire le déficit public à 3% du produit intérieur brut en 2013, malgré les difficultés accrues causées par le ralentissement économique, a affirmé vendredi le président François Hollande, qui écarte toute hausse générale de l'impôt. AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET / AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET

Details of the withholding tax on income  28

Le saut dans le vide spectaculaire de Luke Aikins.

A man without a parachute jump over 7 km altitude 18

 How is organized Islam in France?  79

Poster for the vote on the 1935 crisis initiative.

Democracy otherwise. 3 | 6: citizen referendum, the Swiss exception

Jérémy Ménez lorsqu’il portait les couleurs du Milan AC.

Jeremy Menez to Bordeaux

Les anneaux olympiques au dessus du stade de Volley ball sur la plage de Copacabana à Rio le 30 juillet.

Rio Games: the IOC has the last word on the fate of Russian athletes  13

Si 56 % des Français sont déjà partis en vacances sans leurs enfants, le sujet reste tabou.

Holiday without children?But if possible  9

Lewis Hamilton a remporté dimanche sa  49e victoire en F1.

Lewis Hamilton won the German Grand Prix


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Most Shared

  • 1A man jumps without a parachute over 7 km altitude11228
  • 2Valls details the "pact" that he wants to build with Islam of France6067
  • 3The archbishop of Rouen welcomes "his Muslim brothers came as peace builders"5655
  • 4In London, Harry Potter, married and father, made ​​his successful debut on the boards3318
  • 5An officer of Publicis suspended for sexist2325
  • 6Trump triggered a controversy with the family of a Muslim American soldier killed in actionin 1910
  • 7The president of Turkey wants to strengthen its grip on the army and the intelligence1618
  • Survey8after an attack on a Muslim septuagenarian near Rouenin 1422

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Des réfugiés sud-soudanais à l’entraînement au Kenya.
Rio 2016: Here are the first team in the history of the Olympics refugees
Pope Francis greets faithfuls as he leaves in popemobile the Wawel royal castle in Krakow, on July 27, 2016 as part of his visit to the World Youth Days (WYD). Pope Francis heads to Poland for an international Catholic youth festival with a mission to encourage openness to migrants. / AFP / JANEK SKARZYNSKI
The pope arrived in the World Youth Days
Au moins 44 personnes ont été tuées mercredi dans la ville syrienne à majorité kurde de Kaméchliyé dans une attaque suicide revendiquée par le groupe Etat islamique (EI), disant répondre aux raids de la coaliton antijihadistes soutenant les forces kurdes.
Syria: 44 dead in an attack against a Kurdish town
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How is organized Islam in France?  79

Prime Minister Manuel Valls said he was in favor of banning foreign financing of mosques. Update on the organization of the Muslim faith in France.
French, stuck, former prisoners: portrait jihadists who hit France  61
Les attentats de l'organisation Etat islamique depuis juin 2014.
Attacks in the Islamic state: the 3 000 deaths was reached INTERACTIVE VISUAL  36
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Lewis Hamilton a remporté dimanche sa  49e victoire en F1.

Lewis Hamilton won the German Grand Prix

Briton increases his lead in the World Championship.
Jérémy Ménez lorsqu’il portait les couleurs du Milan AC.
Jeremy Menez to Bordeaux
Hatem Ben Arfa , lors de la confrontation face à Leiceister.
PSG champion ... of preparation matches
Les Français Kim Tillie (gauche) et Nando De Colo à l’entraînement
Basketball: the Blues lost (again) to Serbia
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US elections
The Democratic Presidential canindate Hillary Clinton.

Faced with Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton wants to gather the US  14

The former secretary of state, who accepted the nomination of the Democratic Party, wants to reassure Americans facing declinist speech conveyed by his Republican rival.
Hillary Clinton lors de son  investiture par le parti démocrate, à Philadelphie, le 28 juillet.
Hillary Clinton, the reasoned centrism69
Le siège du FBI à Washington, le 5 juillet.
The FBI is investigating another hacking that targeted the Democratic Party
Taxes and terrorism: what Donald Trump said of France VIDEO  17
VP Tim Kaine and Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Tim Kaine formally agrees to be the running mate of Clinton
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large Formats

#CeuxQuiFont: It gives children key to understanding the religions
La convention démocrate à Philadelphie.
On the road to the White House: a 360 ° immersion
Ouvriers de l'ONF en débroussaillage sur une parcelle de la forêt Domaniale de Verdun. Douamont, Meuse, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, 09.05.2016
Verdun trees, moved Climate
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Yann Moix: "The organization Islamic state is becoming a mental state"
Russia, election agent from Washington to Paris
Hillary Clinton, the reasoned centrism
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Le premier ministre Manuel Valls dans  son bureau à l’hôtel de Matignon à Paris le 28 juillet 2016.

Valls details the "pact" that he wants to build with Islam in France  121

After his interview with "World" on Friday, the Prime Minister called in "The JDD" to "rebuild a French financing capacity" of mosques.
Thierry Lepaon, en avril 2014.
Matignon charging the former CGT leader Thierry Lepaon a mission against illiteracy  99
Why Navigo increases, electricity and decrease the Livret A rate does not move  5
Dépôt de fleurs devant l’église.
In Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, Christians and Muslims gather and pray together PORTFOLIO 6
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In a group sites Worldwide

  • Having regard to US. Death of Adama Traoré: "In France too, the lives of blacks have"
  • Media.In Denmark, no way to hide the identity of the terrorists
  • United States.The feminist triumph Clinton
  • Navigo, gas prices, PEL ... what changes for you this August 1
  • The map of the most popular Pokémon in the regions of France since the release of Pokémon Go
  • Red Bull did not want to sponsor the jump without parachute Luke Aikins, deemed too dangerous
  • Syringes, bandages and scalpels: on shooting season 4 of the "Workingirls"
  • The motocultor festival, another meeting of French metallers
  • In the mill Bob Wilson ideas


Muslim people attend a Mass in tribute to priest Jacques Hamel in the Rouen Cathedral on July 30, 2016. Muslims across France were invited to participate in Catholic ceremonies today to mourn a priest whose murder by jihadist teenagers sparked fears of religious tension. Masses will be celebrated across the country in honour of octogenarian Father Jacques Hamel, whose throat was cut in his church on Tuesday in the latest jihadist attack on France. / AFP / CHARLY TRIBALLEAU

The archbishop of Rouen welcomes "his Muslim brothers came as peace builders"  61

In Rouen, nearly 2000 faithful, Catholics and Muslims, went to the cathedral to attend a Mass in homage to the Father Hamel, assassinated by jihadists.
Un dentiste et son patient, le 4 décembre 2015 à Paris.
The government will frame the low cost dental centers  10
Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray investigators interested in potential accomplices
Des policiers devant la cathédrale de Rouen, le 27 juillet.
Survey after the aggression of a Muslim septuagenarian near Rouen  16
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My successful real estate project

Content designed & proposed by CREDIT AGRICOLE e-property

Call an architect to build his house

Building permit delivery of the site, here are all the steps to built his house with an architect

To build a swimming pool: authorization planning tax, ...

What are the rules for implementing a pond in his garden? Information on permits, taxation and tax planning.

The Alur law

buyer side


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Un rapport sur les émission polluantes des véhicules diesel, rendu le 29 juillet, ne permet pas de faire totalement la transparence sur les pratiques des constructeurs automobiles.

Tests on diesel cars reveal "many excesses" of pollution threshold  19

The Committee on pollutant emissions of diesel vehicles in France does not mean that manufacturers have recourse, as Volkswagen, to cheaters software to trick the certification tests.
Ouvriers de l'ONF en débroussaillage sur une parcelle de la forêt Domaniale de Verdun. Douamont, Meuse, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, 09.05.2016
Verdun of the trees moved to the DISPLAY DIALOG climate
Site de la construction de la ferme de la SAS Alliance Millevaches, surnommée « ferme des mille veaux », à Saint-Martial-le-Vieux (Creuse).
Justice suspended the license to operate a "farm thousand calves" in the Creuse  15
The logo of French state-owned electricity giant Electricite de France (EDF) is pictured during a press conference on September 24, 2008 in Paris. AFP PHOTO MARTIN BUREAU / AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BUREAU
Nuclear: Why Hinkley Point power station project is it controversial VIDEO?  8
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M mag

Oum Kalsoum, à l’Olympia, en novembre 1967.

Umm Kulthum, a queen of Egypt in Paris  5

[Mythical Concerts - 3/6] In 1967, Umm Kulthum, adulated from Rabat to Damascus, is presented on stage at the Olympia. A few months after the Six Day War, the Orient icon book an ode to the Arab world. And puts Paris at her feet.
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The World Festival

"Civic Tech" apps to boost democracy in the city  5

The platforms are multiplying to provide municipalities to strengthen dialogue with their inhabitants.What challenges for local democracy? First part of our series on "Civic Techs".
Joan Baez
Joan Baez: "Silence is essential to me"
Simon Laisney (D) et Paul Citron (G) sur l'un des toits de l'ancien hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, à Paris. Derrière eux, la tour Montparnasse : "Il existe l'équivalent de 44 tours Montparnasse de bureaux vacants, à Paris".
#CeuxQuiFont: They breathe new life into empty buildings DISPLAY DIALOGUE
Boualem Sansal, en 2015.
Boualem Sansal: "Islamism was faster than us"
15 heures, l’école est finie. Le dispositif de scolarisation inauguré au centre Jules-Ferry de Calais est ouvert aux enfants et adolescents de 6 à 16 ans – l’âge, en France, de la scolarité obligatoire. Quelques plus petits s’y présentent aussi. « C’est une demande des mères, explique l’inspectrice Christine Salvary. Etre à l’école, c’est retrouver une forme de normalité. Les mamans en tirent une vraie fierté. »
On school benches with refugees in Calais PORTFOLIO


Un « gardien », deux « prisonniers ». Image prise lors de l’expérience de Stanford en 1971.

"The Stanford experience" or how prison relations degenerate POST BLOG

There are 45, a university experience offered to students to play prisoners and guards. And the situation degenerated ...
Scissors in yoghurt
La région près de Sucre, en Bolivie, est connue pour les nombreuses traces de dinosaures qu’on y trouve.
An exceptional size dinosaur footprint discovered in Bolivia VIDEO
Le « Bois-Rosé », un bateau à éolienne de 1922.
Funny inventions: the windmill boat VIDEO
La Voie lactée, photographiée dans les Cévennes.
The most beautiful celestial spectacle: the Milky Way with the naked eye BLOG POST
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Un comptoire de diamants, à Koidu, à l’est de la Sierra Leone.

"Panama Papers": Sierra Leone, Diamonds Koidu disappear in offshore circuits

Koidu diamond mine owned by Israeli billionaire Beny Steinmetz, through complex financial circuits brings no or almost to the city. The mayor complained.
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Money & Investing

Bureaux à louer à Paris, en 2006.

Real estate: what to know before purchasing OPCI

Folder special investments, episode 9. Unlike the SCPI, OPCI have a pocket of securities intended to ensure liquidity. Their market remains tight, but more launches are planned in 2016.
DEMYSTIFYING FINANCEItaly collapses as politicians grapple on Brexit.


FILE - L’aéroport de Roissy Charles de Gaulle, 13 juin 2013. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon, File)

"The Air France ship may sink body and soul"  16

While explaining the distrust that has developed between the management and employees of the company, the strike undermines the confidence of its customers and its future, says former pilot Gerard Feldzer colleagues in conflict.
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